January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Ousting Simon Bridges

April 29, 2019


There’s blood in the water as the media is out for Simon Bridges to fall from leadership of the National Party. There have been nips and bites at his reputation for the past week, sure signs he can’t hold on much longer. Even legitimate swipes about powerful politicians never make it to press unless it has been estimated that the chief in question is not strong enough to retaliate.

A perfectly proper target, Labour 6.0’s low rent slushy rort, is contrived to backfire on Bridges (see image above.) Likewise, his face is made the poster for the “shocking” Kiwi accent! Even though the Prime Minister is equally mentioned in the text, and even though only one day before the Herald reported that ‘Newzild, bro’: Kiwi accent rated ‘sexiest’ in the world.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m an anarchist. I’ve no sympathy for Simon who is due to die by the sword as he has lived. What interests me is the terrifying cannibalistic ballet of ripping people apart that is unfolding. It’s horrible. I wish we could live in an open society and just be straight up with each other about what is happening in our world.

Before too long Bridges will have unflattering images in the news from and angle below his chin and up his nose; Then they’re in for the kill. He’s saved himself before and lasted longer than could have been expected. Why? In my opinion, Simon has a Dead Man Switch that will take his party and much of the Government with it or he would have exited by now. He cannot simply be destroyed because the situation is too volatile. Simon will need to be bought off at great expense.

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