April 1, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

The ‘Catch 22’ of Voting

September 12, 2019


Understand something: The State doesn’t want you, the individual, to have power in your own destiny. Your preferences, your goals, your future doesn’t belong to you so far as The State is concerned. Same goes for your children.

Facebook offered me free credit to boost a post. By sentiment I’m against paying for views because I want our ideas to spread organically but I gave it a sceptical blessing since, after all, it wasn’t going to cost a thing. I picked this throw-away image above to ‘Boost’ and to my surprise it did raise up some new people with interesting things to say! How about that…

“Doesn’t matter if we vote or not”

Doesn’t matter if we vote or not its the lobbyists that make the changes not the voters.

You’re right, it’s a futile gesture. But it does matter if you vote or do not vote because you and others will know if you’ve done this demeaning thing or refused.

There is power in refusing to do what you consider a waste of time. Keep your initiative and energy by not spending it up on boring chores that change nothing. This is how prisoners were punished or new recruits broken, this is writing lines in government school detention. Fortunately, in New Zealand, it is not compulsory to squander our natural desire to have a voice by doing so only within a Statist’s framework of permitted expressions.

“That doesn’t work…If you don’t vote, you’re literally just endorsing current system”

It’s not supposed to ‘work’ in the sense of making Big Brother listen to you and be your magic jini.

The fantasy that The State is going to run your life still has a firm hold of you. Neither voting nor non-voting are going to change the world, that is the point. But if you don’t give away your world-changing energy to politicians you get to keep it and USE it for something.

Refrain from voting not as an end in itself but because you can then invest your energy in something real that doesn’t involve begging.

“How does NOT voting do anything but uphold the status quo?”

Each of us has personal power within us to shape our world and we’re born to do it. The State must distract and divert this power or it will tear through ’em like tin foil.

They get you from an early age in the state schools by making your write lines. They break your spirit in Basic Training so you’ll follow orders in the infantry without question or creativity. Prisons of the past had specific punishments designed to be pointless: Dig a hole, fill it in again. All that’s different these days is the level of sophistication.

Your subconscious watches what choices you make in life. When you choose something virtuous it backs you with energy and joy and courage. When you do something you know is futile, like voting, it goes to sleep. It offers up no energy, only depression. The greatest thing you can do for your own spirit is, first of all, don’t bang it to dullness against some mad bugger’s wall.

“Voting is the only thing that can maybe make difference…Nothing terrifies…doing nothing when it’s time to stand up and hold your ground is not a good survival strategy”

The feedback from these questions and statements really goes to show a common theme. The State Commandment that’s holding folks back from Anarchism is the following false dichotomy:

Core Belief: Your political expression can only be two things

A) Make the futile, marginal, gesture of voting, or,
B) Do nothing. Have no voice. Surrender to everything you despise

Even Libertarians or folks 95% disinfected from Statism are still have this mind-hacking hook in them. Why accept this lie that non-voting is the same as doing nothing and having no voice?

If you can be convinced either to ‘do nothing’ or else make this passive token gesture ‘to vote’ then Statists have neatly taken you out of circulation. That’s exactly what they always wanted.

This ‘Catch 22’ situation is a false dichotomy. Bust out!

If you don’t vote, you’re literally just endorsing the status quo and reinforcing the system

Refusing to participate in something you object to is NOT the same as giving it your personal endorsement.
That false premise, that mind virus, is the lie everyone is bringing to the surface in their comments. Giving consent that something should be done to you is not the same as silently going along with it. We wouldn’t accept that rule in any other context of our lives. English Common Law is built around this fact, why be in such a hurry to give that up?¹
(Particularly at the moment, New Zealand is very strong in a hyper-feminised social-epistemology rather than one grounded on facts and individuality. What I mean by that is that ‘truth’ has become more about Feels than Reals. It stops mattering so much what is so, we pivot instead around how offended and outraged our female energy has become. That means things like endorsements or even criminal guilt can be assigned without evidence but just because…y’know, bad vibes.)

“Why not run yourself or get friends/whānau to run – then vote for them!”

Surely if voting is futile and exploitative then encouraging and asking it be directed toward you or friends of yours is even worse?

The problem of our captive political energy is not solved by putting a different boss into political office! We’re going for something bigger here, something huge. Not reform, revolution!

That being said, sometimes the best way to reach acceptance that The State is your enemy is to go deep. Vote and encourage others to vote, join a political party and rise up through its ranks. Speak out at its board meetings, write press releases and put your own time and money in. Ask all your friends and family to do the same. Go door-knocking to remind everyone to participate and condone the system you admire so much. I encourage you to. See if that doesn’t teach you the same thing, the hard way, that you already know from having read all of the above.


1 And hasn’t anyone watched A Man for All Seasons (1966??)

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