February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

VC ↓, HC ↑

September 25, 2019


The Theory of Moral Cultures (TMC) is premised on 4 Moral Cultures that each take their turn in the seat of power. The entire cycle takes about 20 years so each Turning is about 5 years apart. At any given time, then, two of the Cultures are in decline two are rising. This might be simplistic nonsense, to slice and dice up the history of New Zealand into repetitive chunks! Honour Culture, Dignity Culture, Victimhood Culture, Slave Culture.

The proof must be in the evidence as to how useful’a vantage point the TMC is for understanding New Zealand. Since about 2015 the mainstream values strongly show an arc of Victimhood Culture (VC) rising and falling.

Writing now in 2019 we have seen 4.0 phase out of benign Social Justice pursuits such as Safe Spaces (c.2015) into active attacks like language policing (c.2016) followed by ‘Me Too’ Witch Hunts (late 2017 to late 2018 to….) If history repeats then it’ll all blow over this year and the 2020s will see us back again to a Physical Culture phase.- 1972: Germaine Greer visits; AHNZ

Recently re-watching Angry Birds (2016) I was surprised at the forgotten reference to “hate crime” which I had not heard in years as it had long since transitioned into “hate speech.” You see, as VC gained strength it was able to hold moral authority over increasingly abstract things. Initially, to make its point, there had to be ‘aggressions’ but later even things called ‘microaggressions’ were sufficient signs of evil according to VC.

Greta Thunberg

This hunt for the slightest traces of victimhood to avenge has also been a sign that VC is running out of its fuel. Greta Thunberg, born 2003, is one of the last, therefore youngest, of the Millennial Social Justice Warrior generation. This young teen has been inducted and groomed by a VC Kingdom at the height of its power, only to come of age as it crumbles before her eyes. As the images above show, Greta speaks with the voice of Victimhood Culture- a tantrum to manipulate a third party tacitly recognised as her Alpha/superior with the power to ‘do what’s right’…

“I want you to feel the fear I feel every day,”

“I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back at school on the other side of the ocean,”

“How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood..”

“… no matter how sad and angry I am…”

“..I refuse to believe [that you are evil]”

“You are failing us…your betrayal,…if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you.”- NBC News

Anarchists highly prize self-responsibility but Thunberg could not be more removed from such virtue. Someone else has made her sad and afraid and angry, someone else pocketed her dreams and childhood, someone else was entrusted with her virtue only to fail and betray, someone abducted her from school. Someone else, someone responsible and active (this is someone other than herself) has dropped the ball but because Greta refuses to believe that Alpha is evil she keeps on appealing to them rather than move on.

“On September 27, the third climate strike will take place, and thousands of New Zealanders will take to the streets to demand stronger and more effective climate action from governments worldwide.”- Climate strike: Protest is in Kiwis DNA and the climate needs us to take action; Stuff

New Zealand Victimhood Culture kids are going through the same thing, ending Term 3 of the school year this Friday with a desperate protest. They are trying to extort another culture that has become short on capital and even shorter on credulity.

Dignity Culture Has Dried Up

Greta speaks of collapsing ecosystems, mass extinctions and people suffering due to climate change. She’s right. Yet by simple act of Psychological Displacement, the VC’s legitimate panic about environmental collapse is directed at global meteorological climate when it has always been about cultural climate.

Victimhood Culture’s ecosystem is collapsing, its proponents suffering, its propagandists and spokespeople losing their power and privilege. Television and music power and money once pumping into SJW causes and making Feminists and Cultural Sensitivity Advisory Committees lucrative are having their budgets scrapped. The massive budgets for scientists to study aspects of carbon chemistry and gender diversity will be cut. Tens of thousands will lose their jobs, industries will crumble, politicians will be replaced. Emma Watson and Meryl Streep will take a pay cut or be out of work, Huffington Post and The Spinoff will lose their advertising revenue.

Victimhood Culture devours Dignity Culture (DC.) The Alpha (that Thunberg and Watson mistake for the United Nations) with the power and resources that VC try to manipulate by flirtation or nagging is a primary producer- a wealth creator. That wealth is all but gone now, spent up on VC projects and Diversity Hire staff. More importantly, every trick in the book to extract more wealth from the DC has been used and they have had enough of being exploited and abused. The entire DC culture, by 2019, is at an all time low so the VC is trying to get blood out of a stone at this point. DC will re-discover itself, learn from its mistakes, and return with improved boundaries and scepticism toward exploitative VCs.

Honour Culture Rising

Anarchist History of New Zealand has been remiss in developing the important theme of Physical Culture rising. Honour Culture is far from mainstream yet but its first glimmers are to be seen in delinquent kids and renewed interest in physical competition such as athletics and sports. In New Zealand a key hallmark of Physical Culture is the return of wrestling and this has been rising up at the grass-roots level for the past several months. After VC, after Slave Culture, before the next Dignity Culture, comes Honour Culture. The Theory of Moral Cultures requires that whenever VC is going down, HC must be going up…

“It’s not often Mongrel Mob members get to deliver a lecture on a university campus, but that’s what happened at the University of Canterbury.”

“It’s to enlighten his students about the ever-changing lifestyle of the Aotearoa gangster.”- Senior Mongrel Mob members lecture Canterbury University criminal justice students; NZ Herald

That’s right, a new legitimacy for HC has been granted in presenting a gang spokesman as an academic authority. Another new golden age of New Zealand gangs is upon us. The Protected Classes, especially the Victimhood Culture, will fly into the arms of violent men when it becomes clear there is no more Dignity Culture power to tap. As previously recorded, this may take the form of sidling up to Islamists from abroad or something more home grown…

“Enter the Mongrel Mob. This video shows them putting on their own act of fearsome masculinity to help settle the hens and pick up chicks. It’s an opportunity- women are in distress and signalling hard out.” Mongrel Mob Haka; NZB3

Just as a Victimhood Culture sociologist pays homage to mobsters by yielding the floor to them, so too will Greta Thunberg within a short while. In my opinion, Thunberg will shortly turn from looking for a lost DC Daddy to an HC romantic partner who makes her feel safe.

Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street

Is she really going out with him?
Is she really gonna take him home tonight?
Is she really going out with him?
Cause if my eyes don’t deceive me,
There’s something going wrong around here
Joe Jackson

Likewise, New Zealand will shortly turn once again to an Honour Culture Prime Minister. PM Jacinda Ardern, the Kiwi Khaleesi, and her opposite number, Simon Bridges, are only suited to the current era. They will continue and expire together, beyond the re-invention it would require for either to preside over 2020s Honour Culture New Zealand.

My prediction using TMC is that the next political leadership dichotomy will resemble Honour Culture exponents such as Stuart Nash and Judith Collins. The annoying thing is that now I need to keep up with the mainstream news media a bit to see if these opinions turn out to be right..

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