February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Forthcoming Ecofascist Measures”

October 3, 2019


Earlier in the year, NZB3 forecast an escalation of Victimhood Culture. My observation is that VC will not go quietly into its time to lay fellow, it will not surrender to the other Moral Cultures that have awaited their time to rise and shine.

“Watch now as (after the usual lag) New Zealand Victimhood Culture priests begin to similarly freak out and escalate. Prepare to be bombarded with extreme shock propaganda about sick animals, polluted waterways, disease outbreaks. Expect Labour 6.0 and Greens, Forest, and Bird to lead the way.”

“We need only be patient and sceptical. Gravity always wins.”- Victimhood Culture’s Escalation; NZB3

What we see with the emotional outbursts of Bill Nye (“The planet is on f—ing fire!” and Greta Thunberg (“How DARE YOU?”) is not the end of the beginning but the beginning of the end.

VJM considers a different interpretation..

“It’s entirely plausible that the Greta Thunberg Show is a calculated, planned black magic ritual intended to strike fear into those who would be opposed to forthcoming ecofascist measures.”- Is The Greta Thunberg Show A Black Magic Ritual?; VJM

Nah, this isn’t the beginning of anything. This isn’t setting the table for coming totalitarian austerity…this is an ending. When a culture or even an individual hold the initiative and the moral authority they don’t tighten the screws or lash out with rage. Those are signs of desperation, the clear signal that Victimhood Culture is going down.

Call it Social Psychology or, if you want to sound more mysterious and dramatic, call it Black Magic. It’s all the same. Greta is one of the last cards that the dying VC has before The Enormous Millennial SJW Turnip vacates its position. Please, learn to stop worrying and chill out with the Anarchists while the Muggles play out all of this nonsense. No need for a smart reader like you to be hurt in the stampede. Get some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the birth of the new Twenty Twenties.

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