January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

The Tail Wagging the Dog

October 7, 2019


“But a vote COULD be used in self defence, if used to get a liberty loving party above the 5% threshold…what do you think of the “vote in self defence” position?”- Question to Anarkiwi

Well that’s nothing but the ambition to have the ‘Tail Wagging The Dog’ by another name.

It’s a poor argument to say that the best argument and greatest hope for this democracy is that it be held hostage by a small minority! If you think that’s true then why would you doubt that there are many other small minorities up to the same game? Some of them directly out to undo everything you value?

“So, to summarise, not voting changes nothing, Government marches on. “

Nobody proposes that non-voting changes things. That’s a strawman.

I would council someone to stop being a drug or video game addict not so that they would receive happiness and wealth. Those things need to be earned. The reason to stop doing what doesn’t work, what diverts you attention and enthusiasm and energy, is so that you can then turn to what does work.

What are video games except, often, a resource tap of our martial energy so we don’t use it to defend New Zealand? What is Minecraft addiction, often, except diverting young people from building things in the real world? What are endless good Marvel hero movies (and bad DC ones) except a vicarious way to experience the heroic rather than be one yourself? And what is voting except delegating your civic identity to some jerk in a suit because he said he’d be you for you?

Not voting is not the end of being strong, it is the end of being weak.

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