January 20, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

‘Cap Population’ becomes ‘Save lives’- Why the change?

April 3, 2020


Has it occurred to anyone else that as the feared ‘climate change’ never ever applied meteorologically that it was a Cultural Climate Change that was feared?

“…pre-Covid19 the world was hysterical about climate change with increasing calls being made for population reduction policies. Now the panic is to save lives at ANY cost.”- Sir Bob calls the lockdown “madness”; Lindsay Mitchell

Who feared it? The Social Justice Warriors. The Lefties. The r-selected. The Victimhood Culture. The Woke. The Politically Correct. It’s all one group. As a swearing Bill Nye and thundering Thunberg demonstrated, the fear & anger was becoming acute.

They were right. The cultural climate has changed. People aren’t buying their New Puritanism anymore and the SJW must make way for a new outlook on the world.

He who gets hurt will be he who has stalled the incoming tide of those sceptical of their renegade priests and treacherous young witches.

The new Culture is more practical, survivalist, Authoritarian, no frills, and no Women’s Weekly.

The displaced culture never wanted to limit *their* population to save their climate. The ones they feared had to be limited- the onrushing new people who have been sceptical of the PC teachings. The lives the SJW wants to save now are only their own lives. Certainly not those of the ‘working class’ as they are converted from Employed to Beneficiaries.

Ref. Recycle My Lefty; NZB3

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