January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

A Labour 6.0 Education Scam At Last

April 9, 2020


The Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins, made himself up in front of the mirror back in 2017. He put on his nice dress and make up and went’a courtin’. He told everyone he was available for dates and liked nice men with fast cars who would make good fathers to help raise his future education policy children.

Everyone got really interested and suitors lined up in this political version of the bachelorette. The consulting was extensive, the possibilities vexatious, as parents and teachers and schools tried to find out what was going on. What sort of marriage would it be and to whom? Chris set a Task Force to help him find his match. Called it Tomorrow’s Schools Review. Said he wanted the full menu of suitors on his desk by 9 Nov 2018.

Yet the day came and went and a new Commissariat of Education Control never came. The marching Labour 6.0 hammers never struck! It seemed that nobody had come forward good enough.  Was Chris to remain a spinster?

Coronavirus: Government reveals $88m learning from home package for all students

Well! It may not be a marriage proposal but at least our bachelorette is seeing other people again.

Not proof the Lock Down is going to outlast the next 2 weeks. Just means Chris has found a way to make his Ministerial love life work thanks to new opportunities.

“”We’ve fast-tracked immediate emergency funding of $87.7 million to fund these measures and to provide ongoing nationwide access to online teaching and learning for all scenarios. Further additional funding might be required,” Hipkins said.”- Stuff

No Government is ever short of corporate educationalists peddling expensive school enhancement or modality re-writing programmes. They all come with a new philosophy, new training for the teachers, new industrial organisation for staff, new resources that will need to be purchased….they all cost tens of millions of dollars.

All the new contractor has to do is strike some deal with the Minister of Education that will make him some money without it blowing up in his face. And that’s a licence to print cash. They probably come from some Leftist university in the States or Australia but have re-packed it with a New Zealand frontman/woman and a Maori-sounding name. Boom. Put a price on it and it’s sold!

The main pre-requisite for blowing $87.7 million of your money is that they can get away with doing it. Governments are not proactive, they’re reactive based on the public’s lack of assertiveness.

Ref. A New Commissariat of Education Control; NZB3

Ref. 2015: Kāhui Ako: A Cluster Schmuck of Learning; AHNZ

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