January 20, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Economic Haircut

April 13, 2020


I was just thinking about haircuts this morning. My last time was in January and what’s that barber doing now? He was working on creating songs at his computer but otherwise had a steady flow of walk-in customers.

Now he can’t pay for the lease on the place or any equipment he was paying off. He’s lost his living and the property owner has lost his revenue.

Their income is probably being replaced by The Government inflating our currency; An indirect tax upon us all.

Q: So you need a haircut too the, Rick? Ha ha ha.

A: Happy people’s hair grows faster. I’ll get by. I’m watching Mainstream Media more frequently for the moment and that should tide me over.

The Government is probably paying the man welfare money now instead of his being productive. They probably pay him $400 (and $200 to themselves, aka PAYE tax) for every week this goes on.

So that’s pretty dumb. And multiply that by how many hundreds of people working in that particular industry. One way or another, this economy is taking a haircut!

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