January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“I cant see the Government shutting down the country for nothing”

April 29, 2020


Governments seem to make all sorts of screwy decisions. They fix things that aren’t broken, remove things that work, introduce entire institutions and even industries with no practical purpose. Non-Anarchists (Statists to some degree) just shake their heads and wonder why.

“Why,” they say, “turn the economy to cinders and ash? Well- let’s give them the benefit of the doubt! Must know what they’re doing.” Or, if they don’t know what they’re doing, the Statist will vote for another colour brand as if that made any difference.

If you yourself are not an Anarchist then try our thinking on for size and see if it doesn’t explain this apparent incompetence we observe in every Government.

The truth is, a Government would happily crash a milk tanker into a school bus full of children just so that it could scoop from the wreckage a little bit of cream for their morning coffee.

In the end, I cant see the Government shutting down the country for nothing . Lets be realistic, why would they? They want as much as our hard earn tax dollar and putting us in lock down is not the way to do it. It would of been a last resort. She is doing great I feel.- Facebook comment

Labour 6.0 did not come to be benevolent to the livestock on the People Farm. They’re in business to make sure the big producers either funnel their productivity to Labour 6.0 will and owe their political patronage to the New Boss. Or, if that producer belongs to the Old Boss, the objective is to sell it or kill it or obstruct it.

It’s not The Government acting but Labour 6.0. They have a mass of National 4.0 political infrastructure to strip out and are desperate to install their own before the General Election so they can pay for the campaign. They pay for the campaign not just with donor dollars but through making their own regime too much trouble to change. Transition costs are expensive.

“Labour’s benevolence is designed to keep the system running, the system that benefits the few. She let the mask slip a few weeks back when she talked about we must keep people consuming – that’s all we are – consumers. We are only worth what they can make out of us”- Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement

Why did they change the police phone number? Why did they kill oil/gas only to switch it back on again? Why does any regime crash the organisations established by a previous regime (even if they work) and establish their own? You’re right, it’s not for nothing.

It’s so that the new Boss will have control. They care much more about control than they do the temporary loss in productivity. And don’t feel that Labour 6.0 is to blame because every Boss does this and National would like to do it too. It’s Statism that we must rid ourselves of.

Anarchy or bust.


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