January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Free Dignity

June 29, 2020


Here’s an interesting premise: The Welfare System “lacks dignity” according to Green MP Golriz Ghahraman.

The hidden premise of that statement is that dignity itself is a welfare product and it ought to be distributed by The State.

They’re already handing out free food, free money, free houses etc. These are material things. The Green’s complaint is that her Government is not also distributing self-esteem.

In a community where self-reliance or community-reliance is valued, it is undignified to be one of the protected class. To be someone who cannot negotiate or create or trade for the value of their own upkeep, let alone contribute surplus value, has a stigma attached. The social and personal self-esteem price we pay is a mechanism preventing us from simply being full-time bludgers. Dignity, in Western Culture, is to be earned. Because we want dignity we keep earning, keep being productive, avoid falling into the Welfare “safety net” or at least from making a hammock of it.

By defining dignity itself as a Public Good, the politician is dismantling our culture and our economic incentives. The end result of making dignity into something distributed as a second-hand good from the Welfare State is that people will want to be on welfare for the free dignity rather than because they even need the money!

Indeed, we are already at the point where politicians and public servants experience dignity coursing through their veins (and in their lush upholstery and expensive car pools) as if they were important or had done something to earn it. As if they were something other than liars and thieves.

As if dignity didn’t need to be authentic but could be synthesised and manufactured for distribution like some drug! As if some Reserve Bank of Dignity could print off fiat dignity the way it prints out paper money! All that will achieve is the inflation of a fake dignity bubble, the devaluation of those with real dignity as it is re-distributed in a temporary pretend-land to those who have none.


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