January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

The Wanker and the Nurse

August 2, 2020


Two remarkable judgements were made last week which teach us about the New Zealand we live in. It’s not good! One on trial was the West Wave Wanker and his sentencing was so light we don’t even know his name. The second was nurse Deborah Kathryn Hugill whose career has been terminated and everyone knows who she is now. What did they do and what happened?

The West Wave Wanker

Warning: Don’t go to Government pools.

I used to go to West Wave pool in West Auckland. Then, the previous Mayor, Len Brown, cut the entry fee to be supercheap- free for kids under 16. Sounds good right? “Public Good,” they say. Kids learning to swim and all that..

But economics always wins. West Wave became over crowded and worn out in no time at all. Frequently shut down for emergency cleaning. Too many bodies, not enough water.

“Auckland Council’s new policy of free pool access for under-16s across the city, launched on Tuesday”- Pools free for adults – for now; Stuff (2013)

“My son worked there as lifeguard during the transition when dickhead Mayor decided to make it free for under 16yos. All the problems you said plus;

– parents using it as free childcare facility
– theft of cars and other property skyrocketed
Lifeguards became security & babysitters!!!”- Commenter

West Wave now has less revenue than ever to pay for more maintenance (and deferred maintenance) than ever before. More than it was designed to handle. Could it get worse?

“A man who masturbated in front of a 10-year-old boy at Auckland’s West Wave pools has been discharged without conviction.”

“Judge Glubb also said the man had submitted he had recently changed his epilepsy medication around the time of the offence.”

“He had also recently returned from the Philippines, which could have resulted in jetlag that impacted his mental wellbeing.”- Auckland man escapes conviction after masturbating in front of child at pool; Stuff (2020)

So this is a new low.

Wonder if the epilepsy medication has a warning about this side-effect? “May induce acts of public indecency around children and water?”

The man caught masturbating in front of children at a public swimming pool gets off scot free and with name suppression. Does that make sense to you?

Poor Hemi. Auckland Council wants him to go to the toilets and Waitakere District Court wants him to see Filipinos masturbating in them. I’m not so sure The State is looking out for our kids, are you?

(note: Stuff is at pains to point out he is an “Auckland man” which probably means he’s a Filipino immigrant. Diversity in action.)

The Taranaki Nurse

Meanwhile, in Taranaki, a nurse has been kicked off the force and fined $8362.95 toward her own Show Trial. Deborah Hugill’s offence…

“Hugill was held to be guilty of professional misconduct after a social media post – prompted by a news report about the absence of Maori voices from a mental health and addictions inquiry – in which she described Maori nurses as lazy, cunning and underhanded [sic]. She also said they got a lot of unfair handouts and spent too much time eating and going to meetings.”- Institutional overkill? The case of Deborah Hugill; Karl du Fresne

So Deborah Kathryn Hugill is on the scrap heap now for giving Wrong Think on Facebook. Her name is disgraced within a show trial that she now has to pay for herself!

Meanwhile, the man caught masturbating in front of children at a public swimming pool gets off scot free and with name suppression. Does that make sense to you?

“Judicial verdicts frequently provoke confusion among observers. In some cases it’s extremely difficult to understand why judgments are handed down, as punishment seems so random and arbitrary. As this essay will explain, understanding our “Justice” System is literally as simple as ABC.”- Understanding The “Justice” System; VJM

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) claims to value Fair Play, especially Fairness At Work. So why did they hang Hugill out to dry worse than the West Wave Wanker? How can an indecent act in public before children be worse than offering an opinion on Social Media!?

The answer is that NZNO is in turmoil, it’s a political battleground between competing factions both wrestling for control over who gets to mould future graduates of nurses training. In particular, the political fight is Identitarian: Black vs White, Maori vs Caucasian. The taking of Hugill was not about justice to Hugill it was about scoring a point in a larger game.

“Sadly, the results of the SGM seem to have been framed, by some, as a “Mâori vs Pâkehâ“ contest. And is this, perhaps, another source of disconnection? Or, perhaps, has the race card been played as a distraction? Are different parts of the organisation operating under differing understandings of what partnership means in a membership-driven organisation?”- How can NZNO move forward?; Kai Tiaki : Nursing New Zealand (2019)

“I outlined three key priorities which would guide my leadership of our organisation: …..strengthening NZNO’s bicultural partnership….it is has become very clear that different parts of the organisation are operating under differing understandings of what partnership means in a membership-driven organisation. And those differences are growing wider and wider.”- NZNO President (resigned) Grant Brookes; Thedailyblog.co.nz (April, 2020)

You’re very unlikely to read of any of this battle in the State Media. I suspect a disunified NZNO serves Labour 6.0’s Health Ministry very well. Were the political nurses not having a civil war you can be certain they’d be striking for better conditions and exposing Government’s failures and demanding expensive fixes in this, our election year.

The Nursing Civil War is simply another front line in the current culture war going on in New Zealand and over the Western World. At the start of this Victimhood Culture era the various VC sects have become united, Intersectional. By now, at the end of Victimhood New Zealand, the factions are tearing each other apart. The previous president tried to uphold a softer VC that clung to Biculturalism. Those who forced President Brookes out have a harder VC that insists on a Frankenstein’s Maori Hegemony.

Brooks wants “partnership” but the dusky, “shadowy forces” want a Psudo-Maori Colonisation of nursing as a profession. The latter will not be authentic Maori but Frankenstein, fake, plastic, Maori. And, they will not call it Colonisation when they do it but “Decolonisation.”

The war is fierce, more people are going to get hurt. A nurse is actually much safer facing Waitakere District Court as a child sex offender than writing down what she thinks where the NZNO can read it!

My basic advice:

Stay away from Government pools


Stay away from Unionist nurses


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