January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Your Equal Co-Parent, The State

March 23, 2021


Your own freedom to choose vaccinations for yourself and your children sure does look wobbly these days.

Judge Richard John Russell of the Family Court in Blenheim considered it a fact that a 4yo had 1 other guardian beyond her mother and father: The State. Specifically, the Acting CEO of the Ministry for Children (Oranga Tamariki.)

Wira Gardiner is the Acting CEO currently, the CEO having quit the job. Gardiner (76yo,) curiously, is the husband of National 5.0 Minister Hekia Parata (NZ Politics…so incestuous…)

“The girl is under the care of Oranga Tamariki so legally has three guardians: her mother, her father and the chief executive of Oranga Tamariki..”- Family Court judge orders pre-schooler to be vaccinated despite father’s objections, NZ Herald (Mar 2021)

“These proceedings were to determine a dispute between guardians as to the vaccination of a child…The child had three guardians: her parents and also the Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki, as a custody order and additional guardianship order had been in place.” – districtcourts.govt.nz

So, Judge Russell had a simple decision to make in breaking the tie between the child’s 2 dads and 1 mother. Biological Dad did not consent to vaccination, biological Mother and Government Dad did want the vaccination. 2 Beats 1, vaccination goes ahead. Serves you right for having a broken family? End of story?

Except, who decided the girl was a ward of The State in the first place? The State placed a Custody Order and an Additional Guardianship Order on the girl and, evidently, uplifted her.

By these powers combined, The State can not only take possession of any New Zealand child but also have equal standing with the surviving biological parents to make decisions about the child. And the “usual childhood vaccinations” and “vaccination guidelines” given consideration by the court, too, are determined by…you guessed it…The State.

Perhaps the reason the Ministry for Children might take your child is specifically because you don’t accept they should be medicated for something. Then, they are empowered to administer that medication unless you can out-vote them with a united biological parent front. Something to think about in 2021 when mass vaccinations for COVID-19 are threatened on the New Zealand population.

Unless you’re a solo parent or separated/un-united with your partner you can still out-vote ’em. The State could overcome this potential barrier by inventing another imaginary mother or father which would also be given equal weight before the law. Another Ministry could be joint-guardian, along with Oranga Tamariki. If one shell guardian can be invented why not 10? Then they’d win every vote and be able to scoop up every child.

Update 2022: Another case. Covid-19: Teen with severe disabilities will be vaccinated against Covid despite mother’s opposition, NZ Herald (Sep 2022)

Update 2022: Parents who say no to Government gene therapy for their kids have been trampled throughout the ‘Pandemic Crisis.’ Culmination so far with Baby Will in December 2022 who was seized by the State specifically over this issue. This time the State moved from being co-parent to Parent Supreme.

The family had their own blood and were not free to use it in the baby’s surgery. If they had this option it would have set an international precedent for others to do the same and the Government can’t have that! Ref. Insider.com (Dec 2022)


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