January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Labour Hardball

March 24, 2021


Labour 6.0 this week earns another decimal figure to their name by what they’ve done to the housing market. We wont know until it’s over if this is now Labour 6.5 or Labour 6.7 but some digits on the gauge are going to need to change over this! Our Government has announced the changes they’re now making under parliamentary urgency, taxing the gross income to one particular industry alone because it has been deemed ‘special’. The obedient media call taxing gross income “closing a tax loophole.”

The broken promise will hang around Labour’s neck in the 2023 election because the Prime Minister explicitly said in live TV debate this would never happen while she was PM. The Minister of Finance also ruled it out, yet here we are. Tens of thousands of New Zealanders made hundreds of thousands of decisions based on the lie. Sell? Sell now? Don’t sell. Don’t buy. Rent. Don’t rent. Take this job? I can’t afford not to take this job. I can’t afford to have this child. I can’t afford not to stay in this marriage. I need to move to Invercargill. I can live in Auckland. I can afford to donate to this charity. I can enroll my kids at this school…no I can’t….Labour have increased the cost of renting houses and removed swathes of housing stock which would otherwise have been on the market for sale. It’s a quiet little genocide. It’s brutal!

Not brutal, mind you, on property investors. They’ll simply have to own and flip more houses than ever to earn the same returns now. Or, they’ll withdraw houses from the market that would otherwise be for sale and perhaps not rent them out at all. If they do rent them out, they’ll pass the new costs on to their tenants. Rents are going up. Winz will be paying out more accommodation supplements to make up the difference for those in a deeper rent trap than ever. Or, the renter will become homeless unless they can get one of the Kiwibuild 2.0 promised state houses. Being able to save up, in such conditions, to become a home owner yourself just got harder still. Yet, not being economically educated, or just being bought and paid for, our media and politicians don’t know or don’t care about what New Zealand is going to learn.

No wonder Labour removed no-cause evictions in February 2021. They knew they were going to break their campaign promise and set up their massive persecution of renters. They wanted to trap owners between having a property they couldn’t control and a property that burns them to own. It puts an inevitable disaster into slow-motion which helps some imagine there’s no disaster at all. Speaking of ‘burn’, I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘accidents’ start happening to housing stock as a substitute for evictions. Red tape is very inflammable. 

And, Labour 6.0 are not done yet.

I predict more Al Capone-style hardball coming our way before the April 6th “travel bubble.” That coming announcement comes in the context of a hostage situation. Tourism-dependent firms are being held hostage by the COVID-19 measures and Labour 6.0 will not let them go until they switch to their political patronage.
This Government is giving surviving tourism-dependent firms only that long to sign on to their re-set or be left in the cold. To show they really mean it and how cold ‘cold’ will be, out comes the mafia baseball bat. A blood sacrifice. A display of resolve.

This has only been the first stroke. What will they do next week? Is it time to collectivise the hospitals? The schools? Something even more chilling this way comes.

Image ref. Al Capone dinner scene from The Untouchables, just before it becomes a murder scene.


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