January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon”

March 27, 2021


Using the Theory of Moral Cultures it seemed very clear, in 2019, that the era of Victimhood Culture was going to change. Every 20 years or so, the Western World completes a cycle as sure as the annual seasons. I’ve noticed this, also that New Zealand simply lags behind by up to 4 years like the colony that it is. Britain, Europe, and North America lead the way in these trends. All you’ve got to do is know the cycle and look to where we are within it at the current time.

Back in 2019 I predicted the very near end of Victimhood Culture in favor of Slave Culture. Others increasingly observed that it had become a Clown World because of the seemingly mad behavior. This is readily explained as the activity of a Slave Culture undermining Victimhood Culture by increasingly illogical-seeming activity designed (all subconsciously, mind you) to drive it nuts and let go the wheels of power. But that hasn’t happened. Why not?

The Turning Hasn’t Turned

Uprooting the Millennial’s Outrage Industrial Complex is like pulling out an enormous turnip. People like Libertarians and Conservatives know it’s time to harvest the old and plant the new but this Victimhood Culture refused to go.

In 2018 an unprecedented number of New Zealanders refused to cooperate with their VC administrators in completing their census forms.

Watch now as (after the usual lag) New Zealand Victimhood Culture priests begin to similarly freak out and escalate. Prepare to be bombarded with extreme shock propaganda about sick animals, polluted waterways, disease outbreaks. 

In their hay day they had Intersectionalism. As the time runs out they turn and eat each other alive. The Victimhood Culture ends.

VC will not go willingly. Bill Nye, Victimhood Culture Priest, shows what the reaction will be: Escalation. The VC folk are getting desperate and angry, they’re swearing and setting things on fire. They’re trying to make their faux crisis even more scary, to remind us to be panicked and dependent.

What we see with the emotional outbursts of Bill Nye (“The planet is on f—ing fire!” and Greta Thunberg (“How DARE YOU?”) is not the end of the beginning but the beginning of the end.

“My prediction using TMC is that the next political leadership dichotomy will resemble Honour Culture exponents such as Stuart Nash and Judith Collins. ” – NZB3 (Sep 2019)

They call it Climate Change too but think they’re talking about geology rather than the wrapping up of Social Justice Warrior and Politically Correct hegemony…This primal urge indicates the coming final end of Victimhood Culture. They’re getting ready to pack up and go. The focus on climate and recycling is really the drive on the part of the vanquished culture to take what it can and flee the mainstream to a place it can survive a climate chilly toward its worldview.

Why Is Victimhood Culture Still Here?

So, just as Slave Culture/Clown Culture was just about to kick the Arderns and the Trudeaus of this world out of office. Just as Thunberg and Nye were at their most desperate and apoplectic…an opportunity came along to save their rule.

The prime minister of Singapore reports that they have had over 60,000 “cases” but only 29 deaths from Covid-19. That’s a death rate of fewer than 1/2000 people (0.048%) Compare this with seasonal flu which kills thousands a year

No one is demanding to know why they didn’t think of destroying the economy over seasonal flu in previous years – what is so special about this virtually harmless virus that people have lost their minds?- Facebook poster

COVID-19 Did not save Victimhood Culture, but the reaction to it sure did. Initially the Victimhood Culture governments were in denial about the dangers of COVID-19 and saw it as an unwelcome threat. Soon, they realised what a great pretense it would be for telling Slave Culture what to do.

It was a way to keep them in check, to send them home in “self-isolation” and to print money in record quantities. Remember that this was just before a major human catastrophe, the winter and seasonal flu of 2020, and that this government was installing surveillance systems into State Houses.

Remember, too, that Slave Culture was trying to take down the national border between Australia and New Zealand. Remember the plethora of memes along the lines of “Storm winz, they cant stop all of us” or Storm Area 51 etc. Remember that Ihumatau, St Lukes Mall, and the branch offices for the Ministry for Children really did get stormed. And, encouraged by success and lack of push back for that, there was much more of the same sort sure to follow.

But something happened to change all that in March 2020 didn’t it? At a stroke, all of the above political and cultural problems were solved for the powers that be. At least, for the time being. They found a new ‘why’. It was convincing enough to have the people comply and here we are. The Giant Millennial SJW Turnip is still in the ground and still growing.

“Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon”

Sarah Jaquette Ray writes for Scientific American (Mar 2021) that the interest in climate anxiety is “so white…”

“Put another way, is climate anxiety just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or get “back to normal,” to the comforts of their privilege?”

Yes. Yes it is. ‘White people’ is a racial proxy for Victimhood Culture which I would not use but, yes, we’re on the same page here Sarah.

“Climate anxiety can operate like white fragility, sucking up all the oxygen in the room and devoting resources toward appeasing the dominant group. …will they hoard resources, limit the rights of the most affected and seek to save only their own, deluded that this xenophobic strategy will save them?”

Climate Change *is* Victimhood Culture fragility and their response *is* specifically supposed to appease this fear and hoard resources and rights to save them. Them, not the Muggles! Not the Slave Culture. Not the victims! Victimhood Culture is not for victims, it’s for Saviors like The Kiwi Khaleesi.

“I recently gave a college lecture about climate anxiety. One of the students e-mailed me to say she was so distressed that she’d be willing to submit to a green dictator if they would address climate change. “

Sure, so would the mainstream but only for a while. So the fear was up-dated to COVID-19 and we were away again. Here’s the script, enter boogieman here…

“…she was so distressed that she’d be willing to submit to a [XXXXXX] dictator if they would address [XXXXXX XXXXX]. ”

Sarah J Ray seems to have found a puzzle piece but has not recognised it and placed it into the right context. She can see that Climate Change Anxiety is reactive and focused on protecting a particular group and is appalled that group is white Victimhood Culture females such as herself rather than black and Indigenous Minority Feminists. Dr. Ray seems to think she can write an article, a book, or lecture about this and have everyone pivot their misspent anxiety toward the more fine-tuned Social Justice cause.

This is madness. She’s no scientist or even a sociologist but a Religious Studies and American Studies humanities graduate. So, the functionalist principle that something is doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing would never occur to Ray. She wouldn’t imagine that an outbreak of anxiety that concerns and preserves White Victimhood Culture in-group people at the expense of out-groups were a functional part of a culture. God, she perhaps thinks, wouldn’t create anything that messy or savage? But nature would and does! And nature will sooner stampede over a vain doctor of humanities rather than obey her trite traffic signals to “be kind” or “give way to minorities.”


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