January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

An Acute Form Of Self-Rejection

November 22, 2021


This is an an acute form of self-rejection. The attacking of New Zealand English with a battery of NPC adjectives is not an attempt to think. No reasons are offered, no discussion entered into. Simply a muscling in, a colonising, of someone with a different language and culture. Given that, in this case, it’s one’s own identity that is being attacked it’s a case of Ethnomasochism.

Check out some of the following sentences recently collected concerning rejection of colloquial New Zealand English..”

“What’s wrong with saying it correctly? Won’t hurt you …”

“…here on the West Coast we are renown for butchering Maori place names to the point of being labeled racist….”

“Why do you have a problem pronouncing a name as it should be pronounced? Te reo is a beautiful poetic language with wonderful soft sounds. Embrace it.”

“It is not mandated to say when it is PROPERLY PRONOUNCED instead of being bastardised because of lazy technique.”


Thus, in the subtext, at core, someone is self-rejecting when they write things as above. According to that narrative anyone who speaks New Zealand English is an incorrect, improper, lazy, butchering bastardiser. They are creating victims just by having an identity and expressing it; By being who they are. It’s a discourse of Identity Politics. The “I’m Offended” politics of the late 2010s has infected many. Instead of saying that those “offended” and “triggered” by me being me are of low self-esteem we attack the stimulus that upset them. Instead of growing a community with ego strength and resilience we grow adults and children who live in terror of diversity and whose only recourse is to demand someone else make the bad things go away. In doing so, they also show that they are in a protected class not leaders in their own life because they need someone to save them.

“I am saying the Maori language is being bastardised NOT the english language.”

Let that sink in. This is claiming that simply by expressing himself in English the New Zealander has victimised another group and made bastards of everyone in it. To say ‘I am an English-speaking New Zealander’ is made equivalent to saying ‘I am a butcher of Te Reo’ and ‘I am lazy’ and ‘I am a member of a group that takes Maoris and bastardises them’. New Zealanders and people in The West have become pretty exercised and worked up by this frenzy and it’s easy to see why. If you think of yourself that way no wonder you want to self-attack. And no wonder you view the “victims” as being fragile

This leads to the masses of such beta-people demanding that some alpha distribute respect and resources to the supposedly fragile, including “taking the knee” at large public spectacles. Self-respecting “victims”, black people, would refuse to be turned into fragile victims. However, you need a great deal of self-respect to withstand the epidemic-level insistence of white people thrusting money, opportunities, popularity at you if only you’ll play along with your assigned role and be so used.

Don’t take for granted that New Zealand English is not a legitimate way for words to be pronounced. It’s beautiful and poetic too and we have a large body of music and literature to back that up. It was good enough for all your ancestors so the question really is why isn’t it good enough for you any more?

Live and let live. If you prefer to help invent a new Aotearoa dialect feel free. Just don’t be one of those people who tries to colonise others who make a different call and retain their native speech.

It’s OK to be white.

Ref. 2010s: New Zealand English Endangered?; AHNZ

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