February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Freedom Protest is Stonewalled by Every Party?

February 16, 2022


“Has there ever before been a protest to parliament that was stonewalled by every party? What the heck is going on?” asks Lindsay Mitchell. This is a question NZB3 answered using a model taught to thousands of sociology students at our universities. Professor Robert K. Merton’s Social Structure and Anomie (1938) is the most popular sociology paper ever written and the fountainhead of thousands of papers and books and theories based on its simple framework. It was taught to me in my Criminology papers at the University of Canterbury by Prof. Greg Newbold. Merton called it The Conformity: A part of our population that it deeply invested in the mainstream goals and the mainstream means of achieving them.

According to Merton, people do not so much change their minds so much as the world moves away from them. Their goals and means tend to be life-long rather than constantly adaptive. That’s where the idea ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ comes from or why it’s unreasonable to expect an Old Economy factory worker to flex into being a computer programmer when his old skills are made redundant. In Criminology the result is that behavior that was once normal and part of mainstream Conformity becomes deviant and criminal because the world around a person has changed on them rather than their ever doing anything different themselves. The theory even has its revenge on the professors themselves by Planck’s Adage: “Science progresses one funeral at a time“.

New Zealand always has a Conformity group at a given time but we are also a sort of burial ground for prior ones. As a country we are carrying individuals and even entire generations who lived and thrived in a pre-Woke Conformity group who overthrew prior Conformities and have since been cast out. Part of how we change the Cultural Goals and Institutional Means of our society often involves language and technology. Old Conformities are identified and marginalised by how they express themselves in words or what idioms they do or do not employ. My Zoomer son saw a book title last week in the shop: THE THIRD REICH AT WAR: The Full Story of the Rise and Fall of the Most Awesome Military Machine the World Had Ever Known. To him ‘awesome’ was a term of approval so I we left to explain that to the generation that the book was written for ‘awe’ meant otherwise. In 1987 Michael Jackson turned the word ‘Bad’ into a positive, taking a generation of listeners with him. My Boomer parents couldn’t work the new-fangled Video Cassette Recorder too well so asked we GenX kids to do it; I ask my Millennial kids to help me with my Android phone because to them it comes so easily. I also think acts such as changing our currency from pounds, shillings, and pence into decimal currency (1966) or taking up the metric system was such a deliberate move within our culture to wash out the old minds and reward the new nimble plastic youth. The great hold-out of the metric system, the USA, will sweep in one glorious year as part of a huge turning away from a stolid old Conformity with a ‘new broom’ said to be more practical but in sociological terms it will really be about cleansing out old minds.
“I think of the Sundowners and Swagmen still alive in Merton’s day who were socialised to be the itinerant labour force when New Zealand needed one as part of its Conformity. Then, New Zealand changed and left them homeless wanderers. I also think of my elderly friends and family who are now shut out from society because they don’t have computers or smartphones and their cheque books and bank visits and even telephone customer assistants have been abolished. ” – Anomie and COVID, NZB3

Sometimes the minds hitched to an old Conformity are not ready to retire or die off because they are still young and vibrant. Such people exit mainstream society to form communes or colonies either within or without the home country. This is exactly the situation for any colony you care to name from America’s Founding Fathers, Canterbury’s Pilgrims, Centrepoint in Auckland, or Riverside in Nelson.

The Flip

So, now, why do our political staff stonewall the Freedom Protesters? It’s because none could plausibly sell the drama that they have had a Road to Damascus vision. Going against the Covid Hysteria Narrative, ‘The Flip’, will require a change of leadership. No more Ardern, no more Luxon, no more Seymour, no more Shaw. They like their goon jobs so hold the line because to do otherwise means tendering their resignation as leader and as an MP. Likewise all potential replacements are donk deep in the ‘Yes’ part of this ‘Yes, And’ Game too. Only non-parliamentary parties such as New Conservative and the coming Freedom Party don’t have to execute the anatomically impossible Flip.

National “MP” defects over COVID politics.

With my cynical Anarchist hat on this might just be National differentiating some of its resources to capture a particular voting block. A block that might become very popular in the near future. A recent example of this is Alfred Ngaro breaking off to form his own political party for the 2020 election. It didn’t fly and Ngaro the Nat flew back to his home party.

Never trust any of these buggers. But great to see the landscape changing. We’ve had enough of this COVID politics haven’t we? – Anarkiwi, Facebook

What Anarchist J.R.R Tolkein wrote applies to politicians: “The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them.”

Politicians don’t have the ability to lead, only to find out what is popular and pretend to be its champion. They think the current mainstream Covid Conformity will last and have hitched their political careers to it. This is partly due people being too afraid to answer polls with their true convictions, instead saying what they think the Conformity wants to know. Preference Falsification is the reason the prior Conformity did not successfully predict Brexit or the election of Donald Trump either. Slow learners that they are, our politicians and their pollster handlers missed what is happening to them now too. As reality knocks to say otherwise they must stonewall and so they all are. These politicians are now doubling down for their very survival and may not be above turning a stonewalling into authoritarianism by following the lead of Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has started drawing on ’emergency powers’.

The Freedom Protest is being attacked for being “unsafe” and “disorganised.” The latest major criticism is lack of central dominance hierarchy! Its in the news headlines! That is a Conformity criticism (soon to become an Old Conformity.) The other, easily debunked, is that the Free are unruly and rude and disruptive. I know what will happen next after this set up. Right now our politicians want to be participating in their seasonal in-fighting in parliament. They call it ‘debate’ but it’s ripping each other apart rudely and making names for themselves and causing the Speaker to “name” them. Christopher Luxon, right now, is supposed to be making a name for himself as an alternative Prime Minister in Waiting by ritualistically attacking Jacinda Ardern and being scandalously thrown out of the chamber for days.

“Senior National MP Simon Bridges has been kicked out of the House as National’s war with the Speaker escalates.” – Simon Bridges kicked out of House after spat with Speaker Trevor Mallard, Stuff (about 12 months ago)

“Waititi was ejected from the House by speaker Trevor Mallard,..” – Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi ejected from Parliament – https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/442412/maori-party-co-leader-rawiri-waititi-ejected-from-parliament, RNZ (about 12 months ago)

Winston Peters was an expert at converting Speaker’s ejections into political capital and other politicians must study his moves the way thespians study Laurence Olivier’s Hamlet. Trouble is, they cannot play this essential (bullshit) game right now with one another because of the comparison it will instantly draw with the Freedom Protesters outside. They all know it so cooperate to refrain even though we’re supposed to think the various parties are in opposition to one another and not putting on a show. Still, I don’t think they can help themselves from putting their own fame ahead of the common good of parliament no matter how much the Whips whip them. Eventually, I think, the politicians will reach for the prize and misbehave and be slapped down by and with the Speaker in a great fracas. At that point the media will say ‘These politicians are supposed to be the best of us yet their conduct makes the ‘feral’ Freedom Protesters look like angels!’ If I’m right about that happening I’m also probably right to predict that this will be the great Tipping Point moment. It’s the one our parliamentarian stone-wallers and their entire superstructure is trembling in fear of right now.

Ref. Covid 19 Canada convoy protest: Trudeau to use emergency powers across Canada, NZ Herald (15/Feb/2022)

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