January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Policeman’s Pirouette

February 19, 2022


The cops said they would tow on Friday. They said they would have it done by Monday. They said they’d do it on Tuesday, no Wednesday. Thursday came and went. Today, Friday, they said “Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said threatening to tow the vehicles of anti-mandate protesters in Wellington had escalated tensions in an unsafe way.”

We all know the truth. The police are all bark and no bite. They scoured the country for towing companies willing to do the job and none would respond at any price. Some said as much. Others broke it more gently (protecting their relationship with a key source of towing revenue, the police) by pretending to have “health and safety” concerns about performing such a job.

“The Police Commissioner admits some tow companies are reluctant to help with the removal of vehicles near Parliament but says some towing will begin today.” – Police concede tow truck operators unwilling to help with clearing roads near Parliament, RNZ (16 Feb 2022)

“It was clear following our announcement of towing on Wednesday that there was a growth in the number of people in and around the site,” Coster said in response to a reporter’s question.” – Police backtrack on towing Parliament protesters’ vehicles, 1News (18 Feb 2022)

“De-escalation remains the key goal, say police, with the number of protesters expected to grow over the weekend.” – Police commissioner: Enforcement action risks turning protest violent, The Spinoff (18 Feb 2022)

It’s quite something to see the Police PR machine’s estimate of just how dumb they think we are. Political Policemen have been a growing problem for New Zealand for some time now as officers struggled to be liked by members of the current Conformity. My concern all along has been what would happen to the police as an institution when the Conformity changed (as it always does) under them. The Police have, once again, been caught not serving justice but adopting postures and tactics depending on shifting public opinion. Now the support slackens and the going gets tough the cops “prefer to communicate.”

Please remember that, along with Labour 6.0, The New Zealand Police have been the ones who took to Covid Hysteria with the most zeal. NZB3 first observed this back in March 2020…

“Now we’re getting to the paradox point of us being Locked Down in order to make sure police can enforce the Lock Down with more “ease.” It’s the macro-equivalent of being arrested for resisting arrest!”

“The Prime Minister has created a climate for the exercise of authoritarian power but in reaping that harvest she is in strong competition with the NZ Police. Other countries are experiencing the same thing as their uniformed Honour Culture slips its leash.” – “Will Covid-19 be used as an excuse to implement further state control?”, NZB3

For the New Zealand Police to recover their lost credibility will take authentic change. What we’re being shown instead is more of the same cynical media-buying spin.

The Flip

The other worthy thing this week worthy of weblogging is the start of The Flip. Like the police our politicians must eventually pull a 180 on their attitude toward the Freedom Protest because as they are too slowly realising it is not going anywhere. Hilariously, the current ploy during the Extinction Burst discussed in an earlier post is to tell the protesters they have “made their point” and should give up all their power so that, then, the politicians will negotiate with them! Take away the cars and the tents, power down the village, surrender, comply, obey. In other words, the same nonsense Labour 6.0 has been telling New Zealanders for the past 2 years! If we hadn’t ceased falling for that junk there would be no Freedom Convoy or Freedom Protest.

David Seymour of the ACT Party had, just days before, stood in solidarity with his fellow club members of the House. He predicted on TV, approvingly, that Cyclone Dovi would blow the camp away with rain and cold the same way it did in the Westport civil defense emergency. Like the Police, he started flipping when protesters proved to have more resilience and support than his cynical estimate.

“Seymour, who was joined by ACT MP Nicole McKee, said the conditions he delivered included removing vehicles blocking the roads around Parliament and Victoria University, and a guarantee that no more abuse would be hurled at passersby. ” – ACT leader David Seymour meets with Parliament protest ‘intermediary’, delivers conditions to be met for dialogue, Newshub (16 Feb 2022)

“There will be no dialogue with protesters currently occupying the Parliamentary Precinct and surrounding areas until the protest returns to one within the law, including the clearing of all illegally parked vehicles that are blocking streets, the removal of unauthorised structures, and the cessation of the intimidation of Wellingtonians,” he said in a statement on Thursday afternoon.” – Speaker Mallard on behalf of all parliamentary parties (Evening of 17 Feb 2022,) Speaker asks for cross-party support in effort to talk with protesters, 1News (18 Feb 2022)

Prime Minister Ardern instantly condemned Seymour’s initiative as irresponsible, especially the part about meeting protesters face to face. Yet before 2 days had gone by Ardern and every other politician had fallen in behind the ACT leader’s proposal. The Flip has begun.

As estimated earlier, I don’t think these politicians have given themselves space to perform The Flip. Their political parties might be salvaged by radical change of leadership. Those who took the hard line against Freedom must be purged. The Freedom protest is growing and is more powerful than the combined strength of The House and its goons. The more resistance the protest gets the stronger it becomes both in quality and quantity. These are magic days for liberty in New Zealand.


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