January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Ukraine in the Membrane

February 25, 2022


Our Mainstream Media, including the commentators and the people asking the questions are all on-message when it comes to the current Ukraine Crisis. The general gist the public is being provided is that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a power-hungry madman. He dreams of rebuilding the old Communist Russian Empire which, we are told, is a bad bad thing although the people telling us this usually tend to be first in line for Communist ideology.

We are told that Putin has launched an unprovoked attack on the nation of Ukraine, that we are slipping toward the worst ‘hot war’ since World War II, that even New Zealand must alter its economic trade conditions to meet the threat. Helen Clark, Gerry Brownlee, Jacinda Ardern, and every local and foreign correspondent are on the same page. Well that just provokes me to be thinking I’m being lied to! Truth is the first casualty of war, after all.

Who is this guy, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy anyway and what context is the New Zealand public not being provided? The following is a very basic survey you can quickly Google for yourself that opens up a lot of questions you will not see addressed on our MSM.

Zelenskyy took his law degree into show business, comedy in particular, creating his own show called Servant of the People (2015-2019) Zelenskyy played the lead role in his lead show, that of President of Ukraine. IMDB describes the show this way: “A political comedy about ordinary school teacher becoming the President of Ukraine. He tries to live an ordinary life without all ‘President’s privileges’ and works really hard to build a new country and fight the army of corrupted and deceitful bureaucrats.”

The feature image of this post is one I picked out of Google results of actual promotional material for the TV show. The production team for Zelenskyy’s media next created a political party of the same name: Servant of the People. In 2019 Zelenskyy won the presidential election to become the real life President of Ukraine.

Take a step back and ask yourself why this isn’t important and useful information New Zealanders should know. It is at the very least an amazing story! This would be like comedienne Julia Louis-Dreyfus from Seinfeld and Veep becoming President of the USA. Like Geena Davis, Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman, Robin Williams, Paul Eddington, or Martin Sheen leveraging their acting roles into the real life version of  the part they played on TV. We might ask some useful questions such as: Does the actor even know that it’s not a show any more? Or, has being in politics become just like being in show business?

Imagine John Clarke or Billy T James, our greatest comedians, going from a role of TV president to being elected as Prime Minister of New Zealand. Clarke actually did play such a part. It would take some coming to terms with but here in our news media we are not even exposed to the fact that this is the context that the Ukraine is in.

Not So Funny

Zelenskyy’s rule has not been comedic though. Even reading between the lines of a relatively well-leached information source like wikipedia turns up the following..

“As president, Zelenskyy has been a proponent of e-government and unity between the Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking parts of the country’s population”

Says without saying that there is division within the Ukrainian population. Ah-ha, more information we are not told.

“His party won a landslide victory in a snap legislative election held shortly after his inauguration as president.”

Snap election? Sounds like a rock worth turning over for any journalists out there who remember how to. And so the Ukraine has its main political party named after a TV show. Imagine instead of Republicans or Conservative that the ruling party was The Fresh Prince of Bell-Air or the Yes Prime Minister Party!

“During his administration, Zelenskyy oversaw the lifting of legal immunity for members of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament”

Is that the same as saying he revoked what we call Parliamentary Privilege? Where any parliamentarian is at liberty to speak the truth about what they see happening in their country without being prosecuted for it? But when we’re against that part of a democracy we re-name it “lifting of legal immunity.”

“Critics of Zelenskyy claim that in taking power away from the Ukrainian oligarchs, he has sought to centralise authority and strengthen his personal position.”

Zelenskyy’s political enemies are being called “oligarchs” and in “taking power away” from them what he has done is outlaw them.  Former President Viktor Yanukovych has recently been judged guilty of high treason and sentenced to prison. Yulia Tymoshenko, former Ukranian Opposition leader, was sent to prison and is reported to have been brutally beaten there during Yanukovych’s time. It really sounds like there’s some seriously medieval and rotten in the state of the Ukraine that we need to know before we pass judgments.

The claims that Zelenskyy is trying to ethnically cleanse or deligitamise or force hegemony on the Russo part of the Ukraine cannot be dismissed out of hand.

If Western Powers are flexing muscle to back Zelenskyy in crushing his Russo people then it’s perfectly equivalent for Putin’s Russia to flex back on behalf of those people.

How come we clap for Star Wars rebels such as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia who fought for their freedom but against Zelenskyy’s Empire? Might not Putin be the good guy here in stepping in to a humanitarian crisis? He says he is recognising the independence of the Ukrainians who don’t want to be in Zelenskyy’s TV show any more but you wont hear that in our Mainstream Media.

I don’t know what’s really going on here. The above is just what I Googled on my phone while I fell asleep last night. However, that’s more information that we’re getting from our old media by far. Quite enough to make us think twice about what we are being told to think.

Tulsi Gabbard’s short video led me to it. Check this out.


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