January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Mr Luxon, Mr Luxon, Mr Luxon

February 28, 2022


Barry Brill, the ex-parliamentarian, has an unusual loyalty to his old brand to think it’s not too late to reset it to defaults and make National 6.0 like National 3.0! He’s talking to New Zealand but can’t help making his old party, National, the locus of his attention and its leader in particular.

“Just recently, the new leader of the National Party, Christopher Luxon….Mr Luxon has…Mr Luxon could..Mr Luxon does…Does Mr Luxon…Does Mr Luxon…Like Mr Luxon…” – Barry Brill: Coming Apart 

Barry has admirable sentiments about our nation but also great naivety. It’s a post-National 1.0 point of view of New Zealand history. Back in the 1930s we had a reset and established a new national story and Barry can’t see back beyond 90 years ago to the conflict before.

We had Maori Wars, we had Class Wars, we had Eugenics, we had Religious Riots. We put them to bed but they were only ever sleeping.

His party, coined ‘Status-Quo Seekers’ in the early days of rejecting their own constitution to copy-cat Labour, operate like all the rest. Politicians are opportunists who say what they need to say to be able to best pick our pockets. It’s not a change of management we need but a change in ourselves so we don’t put up with that again. The Maori Branding of pick pocketing is a shadow of what the people put up with/are afraid of. It’s our interior guilt and shame that is being used here, as always. When it is tapped out the politicians will move on to Environmentalist branded pick-pocketing. Is that what you want? Maybe so since opposing it is Barry’s particular niche?

Statism is the problem, not this particular iteration of it. Only works due to the sanction of the victim. If we set strong personal boundaries and resolved these ignored inner tensions then New Zealanders would be too sleek and shiny for politicians to handle and they’d have to go away and get real jobs!

Image ref. Barry Brill, Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Energy, Science and Technology, showing exactly how deeply into our nation’s history he is willing to look and no further (1979/80,) antarcticanz.govt

Ref. Barry Brill: Coming Apart …, Breaking Views (Feb 2022,) BASSETT, BRASH & HIDE

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