May 11, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Why Don’t Governments Do Good?

December 12, 2020


Sentient beings have some such a long way over the last two millions years with the ascent of man but the journey is not yet done. We’ve over-leaped mere biological evolution with incredible cultural evolution.

We’ve developed the ethic of non-sacrifice to the bullies in our own tribe. We shifted it on to abstract entities and sacrificed to them for a good harvest, sound building, victory in war, etc. Then, we did away with this entirely with one last cannibalising act: We sacrificed Jesus Christ for all our sins in that moment and all times to come. Human sacrifice was now old cultural technology, the New Testament was that this ledger had all been squared away. You’re an individual now, not a bit of collectivist machine parts at the disposal of your species or population or tribe.

We individuated. We recognised the rights of individuals and the power to set our own goals, find our own meaning, be responsible for the pursuit of our own happiness.This is not to say that everyone, even in the Western World, who are ahead in this process, has locked in those gains. Many who we pass in the street or sit beside on an aeroplane have human cultural firmware last updated in pre-Enlightenment times or earlier.

“Night falls and the other apes gather! There in the front of the cave, all grunting like him, and swilling and gnawing and hulking! His poker night! – you call it – this party of apes! Somebody growls – some creature snatches at something – the fight is on! God! Maybe we are a long way from being made in God’s image, but Stella – my sister – there has been some progress since then! Such things as art – as poetry and music – such kinds of new light have come into the world since then! In some kinds of people some tendered feelings have had some little beginning! That we have got to make grow! And cling to, and hold as our flag! In this dark march towards what-ever it is we’re approaching . . . Don’t – don’t hang back with the brutes!”- A Streetcar Named Desire

For example, women gained civic and political rights too. They were not just assigned as parts with a particular function in the collectivist machine but individuals with a voice. Men aren’t far behind. Likewise, children, too, have become people in their own right rather than units of production to be sent up chimneys or down mines or onto navy ships. Slavery? We got rid of that in 1833. Handicapped people are now more than sex slaves or farm labour or cheaper versions of a plough horse.

We have minds of our own now, rather than simply being zombie bodies at the disposal of the Great Inca or Lord or Chief or Pope or patriarch or kaumatua. We have learned to shed jingoism toward nation, individuate from our family of origin, and even have romantic pair bonds that are not co-dependent relationships. Wow!

Anarchism: One Giant Leap For Mankind

Fellow Anarchists, can anyone explain why the government corruption goes on but the governed keep forgiving it? Why do they process government acts, not as corruption, but as “foolishness” or “mistakes” or “poor choices” or “insufficient budget” or “we elected the wrong boss.”

Eg. Comment seen on social media: “$108 million allocated in this year’s budget for te reo in schools. That would build a lot of houses…”; Ref. Government-funded programme expanded to help 10,000 more teachers learn te reo; TVNZ
Eg. Comment seen on social media: “It seems pretty clear that our Council is broke. No money for public toilets and play grounds. How much better would the money for the proposed Erebus Memorial be spent, creating a new park area at the Western Springs Precinct?…The Ministry and Auckland Council need to look ahead at what could be.”; Ref. Auckland Council could be forced to close playgrounds and public toilets; NZ Herald
Government is one thing. Statism is the major foe that only we Anarchists understand. The public see what we see but instead of the simplest answer they invent excuses and fairy stories.
Surely this is the final fronter and undiscovered country next up for humans? To individuate ourselves away from Statism. We split from assigning our virtues to God and vices to Satan but incompletely if we simply re-assign that co-dependence to The State. We’re like an addict or serial-divorcee who switches out one psychodrama game for another. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!
Neo: Why do my eyes hurt?
Morpheus: You’ve never used them before.
Politicians don’t create The State, government isn’t the trouble. The trouble is the virus of Statism in people’s minds, their willingness to not to be individuals and take personal responsibility. Not to be the hero of their own lives [insert references to Ayn Rand here.] Instead, they project heroism onto politicians! They leave a vacuum. All the politician has to do is fill that vacuum by being a sufficient canvas for the Statist to project upon. And, the most that ever changes is that a political artist (or regime) is unable to re-invent itself fast enough so is replaced by another with the right cosmetic shell or ‘optics’.

Anarchists are not working to re-join ‘normal’ society but to disrupt and detonate it. We will feel out-of-place not because we’re stunted but because we are not [insert references to Plato and Nietzsche here.]

The best task we can do right now, we Anarkiwis, is to refuse to create excuses and apologies for corrupt culture and governance but to report the facts. As we keep building our knowledge and understanding, others will join us and eventually mankind itself.

All humans have a Self-actualising Tendancy to grow and climb their way up to the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. What we can do is light the way and take the edge off this difficult climb. We know the way and we know how hard it is. We hold people back by throwing stones a them, ridiculing them, abusing them, mocking them. “Shitting” on people, “shitposting,” making people suffer…this is damage to our cause and help to the cause of keeping people in collectivism in-groups: Statist mind traps, tribes.

“People are deceived en masse and enlightened one at a time.”

“Anarchist History of New Zealand shows that repression breeds resistance.”

People don’t grow because they are forced into it and told what to do. They don’t fine virtue and develop their own self-expression because you hate on them so much they decide to become Enlightened. Nor do our ‘enemies’ switch to our side or even become silent because we hate on them and make the environment toxic to their set of perspectives and values; They double-down and come back stronger, a force of nature, an egregore.

When you hurt people who don’t agree with your values you win a battle but lose a war, you are the midwife of that which you claim to stand against. Don’t be a useful idiot. You couldn’t be a bigger help to politicians, such as Jacinda Ardern Wonder Woman, than if you openly joined her re-election campaign or wrote children’s books or created cartooned tote bags for the masses.

Image ref. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as a divine superhero, Yan Heere; Ref. Stuff (2020)

Image ref. Evolution of parenting styles; Lloyd deMause (who died this year)

Ref. also

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