May 2, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Immigrant Bus Drivers

February 2, 2023


Auckland’s massive rainfall and flooding this week have been bad enough without adding bad decisions to the woe. Yet there has been an outbreak of stupidity on the part of Auckland Transport which I very much doubt the mainstream media will cover.

Indeed, the MSM prefer not to get out in their gumboots and cover the true story of the flooding. Far easier to stay in the newsroom and attack Mayor Wayne Brown where it’s safe and dry; They really must hate him and resent coming back to work after their Christmas holidays. Yes, for school teachers and politicians and the media the holidays really do last this long!

The story is the many reports of Auckland Transport busses being driven through floodwaters. There are many videos being shared (see image, left) of drivers taking their bus and passengers directly into floods. We have views of tons of water inside the bus up to the seats being taken along for the ride.

Why would they do that!? Apart from putting lives at risk the drivers have surely destroyed millions of dollars of the bus fleet. Apart from engine damage and water damage to the electrics and seats and interiors the force of these interior waves must be brutal.

“As of December, the region was 125 drivers short, but a recent change to immigration settings has provided a glimmer of hope. Immigration Minister Michael Wood has announced bus and truck drivers will now be able to access a time-limited, two-year residence pathway.” – Bus driver shortage: 100 employment offers accepted by overseas candidates, NZ Herald (17 January 2023)

“Like Auckland and other centres, Wellington’s Metlink contrives to pay their skilled staff less than New Zealanders are willing to be paid by importing immigrant workers. No wonder they keep going on and on about diversity and anti-racism! It’s branding, self-preservation.” – NZB3 (2020)

“About 20 Auckland Transport buses have been flood-damaged and are being assessed while the transport board hails drivers’ bravery, but it has refused to say what instructions were given to drivers when they encountered flooded roads. It comes after dramatic photographs and videos showed bus drivers attempting to drive through waterlogged streets, often several feet high and where muddy water can be seen entering the passenger cab and swamping those inside.” – Auckland floods: 20 buses flood-damaged, AT hails drivers’ bravery but refuses to say what advice they were given, NZ Herald (Feb 2023)

“Just take a look at Metlink’s advertising for new drivers and the racial demographic they’re targetting. And, see their Facebook page showcasing the diversity of drivers they’ve been adding (Mr Bhasker, Mr Yin,..) Least these be removed in future, I’ve taken these two screen shots (above.)” – Conducting the SJW Orchestra, NZB3 (2019)

You don’t need to look far for an answer to why there are bus drivers who think like this and take such risks alien to the New Zealand way of thinking.

They are immigrants!

You’d think they were from Venice where the streets are canals. Probably though we’ll find these drivers are newly imported from Asia. It doesn’t occur to them to back off from flood waters OR to think of passenger’s lives the way that we do in New Zealand. It doesn’t occur to them that their primary mission is not to get the job done and follow the bus schedule that AT has been drumming into them as their top priority during their crash-course in driver training.

AT will probably not do a survey to investigate the cultural mindsets of the drivers who Kamakazied themselves, their bus, and their passengers into the drink. Least of all will that information be reported in the mainstream media. But nor do AT really need to investigate because they already know.

The chickens have come home to roost. By cutting costs and by running subsidised bus services New Zealanders don’t want to pay for we end up employing people not suited to their role. It’s a very similar situation with the egg shortage right now. The public signal with their hearts that they care about chicken welfare so we destroyed our capacity to farm eggs but then complain about not having any eggs! Likewise, the heart wants to Save The Planet with public transport and so appease The Green Party of Aotearoa and Greta Thunberg so we create this ridiculous problem. The public transport in Auckland is chronically bad and that’s despite staffing it with the cheapest human imports possible.

It turns out to be a false economy to hire cheap drivers from the land of the seasonal monsoon to keep your transport system running because they set a course for Atlantis the moment it appears!

This will not be discussed. This is Politically Incorrect, these facts are racist.

I’m right though, aren’t I?

The cultural priority is to Obey My Boss and Keep My Job and Retain My Visa. No Kiwi has a priority profile like that. A Kiwi would look at flood waters in his bus route and, Fred Dagg-like, say “Hang on a minute mate.” rather than “Kawabunga!” Besides which, if a Kiwi has the class of license to drive a bus like this he’d rather be paid more for driving a truck with more freedom and less customers to wrangle…

The best solution would be to ditch the public transport false economy entirely. Let consumers be faced with the true price so we can decide accordingly how we will travel. Let drivers be paid their true market rate. Stop making special exceptions for immigrants so they can keep wages low.

The other thing the AT trainers could do to keep these crazy spinning plates going would be to train their new drivers culturally. I’m thinking here of the chapter in Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers (2008) dealing with Korean airline pilots. They crashed more than other cultures due to co-pilots having a deferential nature to their captains which led to less questioning of decisions that lead to airline disasters. Our bus drivers of unspecified ethnicity need a similar firmware upgrade if they’re not to destroy the firm they work for. AT cannot afford to lose their staff anyway, as much as they’d love to fire these expensive drivers for what they’ve done, and in the legal and sympathetic environment we’re in probably have no chance of getting rid of these guys anyway. So, I suggest they get cracking into Gladwell’s book or hope nobody dies next time New Zealand has yet another natural disaster like this one.

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