October 16, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Kea Calculus


New Zealand’s alpine parrot the kea (Nestor notabilis) was once hunted as a pest at the behest of The State. The government bounty was at “$120 a head at one stage. More than 150,000 were shot before the bounty was removed, and they were protected in 1986.” Ref. North & South (2020,) Wayback Machine These […]

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June 3, 2024

Australian Truth


The Australian mainstream identity must be pretty fragile right now. That’s a metaphysical problem shared by Anglos worldwide: What am I? Who are we? This is an Anaphase Crisis in that we all accept in a natural process like cell replication but don’t tend to apply to a large organism like Australia. The way I […]

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April 27, 2024

Politics in Heterogenia


The greatest Extinction Burst in cinema was the fate of the T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) as it was melted down and destroyed. The evil sociopathic Janus-faced robot revisited every face and shape it had used in the whole film to manipulate and murder until its repertoire was extinguished at last. Politicians are […]

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January 14, 2024

Canterbury A&P Show 2023


Something wasn’t going right with the Canterbury A&P Show this year. For one thing, they re-named themselves New Zealand Agricultural Show by dropping the ‘pastoral’ from the title but that’s been wrong since 2018. I visited on Thursday the 16th between rainstorms so it was sunny and pleasant and not too busy. Last year was […]

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November 18, 2023

Mystery Box Luxon


After the General Election we will, finally, get to met Chris Luxon. Who the hell is he? Yes, you’re right. It would be ideal to know him prior to electing him but he can’t have that can he? A known quantity. Instead he has done everything he can to mirror Red Chris. The old true […]

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October 7, 2023

Criticism of Maori Elites is Racist…..warn Maori Elites


Fresh new lead news story this morning has been created by Maori elites who have written an open letter to politicians and would-be politicians¹. You know they’re Maori because they’re telling you most loudly and you know they’re elites because it made front-line news. When was the last time you and your friends wrote a […]

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September 29, 2023

Barry Called Her A “Black Bitch!”


Evidently Dunedin City is not free of the Social Crisis that is literally unraveling the Western World right now. Of course not. We don’t talk about fixing bridges or saving lives or curing disease or winning wars these days- It’s all about the battle for Rightful Conduct. Dunedin City Council Deputy Mayor Sophie Barker (who […]

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September 10, 2023



It’s time I opened a file on the Unravelling/Anaphase our culture is presently going through. Everything seems to be up for grabs these days; We forget what we thought we knew and are re-learning. We are literally Unravelling the old Conformity and re-combining it into a new order for the new Saeculum. Which view will […]

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September 9, 2023

“There was no compulsory vaccination”


“There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices,” said Prime Minister Chris Hipkins (again) this week. Ref. Rumble This sparked fury and has been repeated all over the alternative media but not, of course, in the mainstream media. Why would he “poke the bear” like that in the election campaign? These words have […]

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September 7, 2023

That Wasn’t Real Communism


Communists keep defending their faith by saying “that wasn’t real Communism.” Even preemptively, sometimes. Always, they think their own Communism is real and true and will work no matter how many times they are confronted by the deadly and failed attempts in the past. I understand now that it’s their Hobbesian view of human nature […]

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September 4, 2023