March 31, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

How Slaves Defend


Consenting to become a living billboard is an act of fearful supplication toward the Islamist agenda of strike-back that our Prime Minister’s crew fear. A high-ranking member of ISIS has called for revenge after the deaths of 50 Muslims in Christchurch. The New York Times reports that al-Muhajir broke six months of silence to call […]

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March 31, 2019

How Slaves Invade


Question kicking around the boards as a form of the problem that US President Trump wants to solve with a southern border wall… Who would have guessed that the way to invade a country was to walk across the border unarmed and then vote in the government that you want? Who? Anyone versed in TMC (Theory […]

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March 31, 2019

History Cycle Pills?


Vince has taken a fair crack at trying to integrate the internet culture of Red/Blue/Black/White pill conceptions to Generational Theory. In writing the Anarchist History of New Zealand I lean heavily on Strauss–Howe generational theory as well as Moral Cultures. If I’ve got this right, Red vs Blue Pilled is about being truth-tracking vs fantasy-tracking. You’re […]

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March 30, 2019



Imaging if someone shot up a bunch of Mexicans in America and the next day Trump held a press conference wearing a sombrero. — image ref. Unknown.

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March 27, 2019

A Dissident Is Here


There is a perennial theme in our culture of the feminine’s choice either to align with the masculine to fight off external threat or to stab him in the back. As a pair bond, a family, a culture, can we withstand an invader? Or, the feminine asks, shall I betray my protector in the hopes […]

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March 26, 2019

The Enormous Millennial SJW Turnip


Uprooting the Millennial’s Outrage Industrial Complex is like pulling out an enormous turnip. People like Libertarians and Conservatives know it’s time to harvest the old and plant the new but this Victimhood Culture refuses to go. They must move on to a new phase of life, give up the ground at last for a new […]

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March 24, 2019

Cats Against Brexit


I’ve been reading the Facebook page of Sargon of Akkad. Latest content from him and some of his commenters… The remainers are the most insufferable, entitled, spoiled bunch in the world. Ironic signs are indicative of self-interest and not principled opposition, you fucking selfish shits. Who are these people? SO they want to remain because of thier […]

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March 24, 2019

2019: Permission Slip to Learn Things


The Great Replacement “document”/manifesto has been banned by the NZ Office of Film and Literature Classification. Hilariously, our Thought Police friends in the Government get right in there and impugn the very medium it’s written in! ““Others have referred to this publication as a ‘manifesto’, but I consider it a crude booklet”- As the image above […]

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March 24, 2019

Political Policemen


This officer, Constable Michelle Evans, is on duty. However, the New Zealand Police Officer is also expressing herself and her branch of government politically by adorning with religious sectarian symbolism. New Zealand official documents, uniforms, vehicles, seals, logos etc are required to be free of political symbols; We leave that to party politics and citizens […]

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March 23, 2019