January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

How Slaves Invade

March 31, 2019


Question kicking around the boards as a form of the problem that US President Trump wants to solve with a southern border wall…

Who would have guessed that the way to invade a country was to walk across the border unarmed and then vote in the government that you want?

Who? Anyone versed in TMC (Theory of Moral Cultures) would know the answer to that.

A Slave Culture’s active means of production is to test and push at boundaries to wear them out by attrition. This is useless against a K-selected culture like Honour or Dignity Culture but highly effective against a Victimhood Culture society.

The VC sees the SC as a pathetic and helpless innocent who needs their help. They also see the SC as a vocational opportunity because they can realise their VC nature by championing them, earning status and employment. The VC is, thus, inclined to let the SC walk right over private property lines and then defend and pardon them for having done so. QED, the SC has taken what he wanted.

For example, the Victimhood Culture of Mahatma Gandhi took up the cause of hundred of millions of Slave Culture Hindus in the 1940s. They were up against an ex-Dignity Culture in the form of the British Empire which had by 1947 exhausted its Honour Culture phase in the war and lapsed back into Victimhood Culture. Gandhi’s SC force was able to passively protest and flop around with limp bodies and hunger strikes. They were able to suffer baton blows to their bodies and being shot or imprisoned until the Victimhood British became exhausted by the Slave Culture onslaught.

Dignity Culture, Honour Culture, and Victimhood Cultures all have their own unique special means of conquest too. Like Slave Culture, they are only effective against certain other cultures and for the rest of the time they need to hunker down. The SC play is a strong defence against depressions, famines, occupations; SC is a good offence against Politically Correct and Maternally sentimental Victimhood societies.

High populations of Beggers and Swagmen in Australia and New Zealand are preceded by a mainstream of Victimhood Culture in our history (eg 1860s, 1890s, 1930s,…)

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