March 31, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Ousting Simon Bridges


There’s blood in the water as the media is out for Simon Bridges to fall from leadership of the National Party. There have been nips and bites at his reputation for the past week, sure signs he can’t hold on much longer. Even legitimate swipes about powerful politicians never make it to press unless it […]

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April 29, 2019

The Kiwi Khaleesi Tour


What’s this scene from Christchurch? Sister Act 2: Back in the Hijab? Nope! It’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern back to wearing the hijab a second time for a celebrity visit from New Zealand’s future King, Prince William. The Mayor of Christchurch, Lianne Dalziel (Labour 5.0) similarly wrapped. What does it mean? Think of it as […]

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April 29, 2019

Gun Buy-Back Scheme


Some Anarchist opinions on the apparently imminent Firearm Buy Back Scheme that New Zealand has been promised. The legislation has been passed banning certain firearms, law abiding citizens have now been criminalised…a deadline for handing the guns in is set…where are the details on what The State will be paying people for these guns. I […]

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April 28, 2019

Liberals: A Buck Each Way


I think both women are trying to play both sides. Open to being accepted by the out-group of their society by dressing like them and sending signals allowing them to be included. But not so much signals that your in-group will not eject you. Stay within the permissible boundary of what your in-group lets you […]

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April 18, 2019

Hurunui Victimhood Councillor


The first thing mother of three Julia McLean did upon being elected to the Hurunui District Council was complain it didn’t pay enough. Not having done her homework, she was caught by surprise only after running for office, being elected, being sworn in. If her own domestic challenges (3 childrens’ needs!!) have been so poorly thought out […]

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April 17, 2019

Pride Festival Cancelled


It’s a simple idea. Protected people in society seek to be assured that their protectors are doing their job; They are strong and they are ready to exert deadly force in the line of duty. Are our official strong-men, The Police, and our un-official strong-men like gangs and armed martial males tough enough to keep […]

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April 14, 2019

Mongrel Mob Haka


New Zealand’s protected class is terrified of blow-back and have made their supplications. Not to White Supremacy but to the true object of their fear: Islamism. And, it has worked. If the Islamists met around a big table to set aspirational goals like ‘get their Prime Minister into a hijab’ and ‘make ’em play our […]

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April 14, 2019

Hollywood celebrities donate to Christchurch appeal


Hollywood celebrities donate to Christchurch appeal; NZ Herald They all get ACC. And after that.. Well these poor Muslim victims must be buried under a mountain of food and money and clothing and crap a mile high by now. And the more flowers and gift-food that comes in their door the more they will be […]

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April 8, 2019

Reductionist Erasure


Typical Materialistic Post-Modern Reductionist assumption demonstrated in this viral meme (left.) Reduce individual identity, gender, race, faith and culture down to the calcium detritus of an endoskeleton. When you do that we’re all the same aren’t we? It’s got that nice r-selected message of non-identity with a little zing in the tail, a pirate joke. […]

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April 6, 2019

Bonfire of the Virtues


Victimhood Culture (which our mainstream society is in the thick of, tell me I’m wrong) does not respond to fear (which our Victimhood Culture doyens are well and truly in the grip of atm, tell me I’m wrong) by such Dignity Culture means as Lord Blackadder here. No, the means of production for Victimhood Cultures […]

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April 3, 2019