February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Meet Your New God: Scepticism Culture

May 17, 2019


According to the TMC (Theory of Moral Cultures) our mainstream society takes turns every 5 years or so between 4 different cultures. All the signs indicate that we are currently living at the end of our latest instalment of VC (Victimhood Culture.)

Social Justice Warriors, Feminists, Treaty Grievance Negotiators, Fat-Positive……Hate Crimes, followed by Hate Speech. ‘Politically Correct’ this, that, and the other have marked the past 5 years or so.

Marking the beginning of VC Mr Rowan Atkinson gave a famous address on the subject of Free Speech (click on image above to play it.) Now in 2019 this old video has become viral again, doing the rounds. I think its interest and relevance mark the anticipated dusk of the VC phase and there are other signs too.

TMC allows VC to be defeated by one other Moral Culture: SC (Slave Culture.) An SC is generated within a given population by living under the shadow of VC itself. Eventually the set of survival skills an SC person acquires and embodies allow the SC population to out-stare and out-suffer the disrespect and puritanical pronouncements that are the VC’s stock in trade. The artistic expression of this stare has been the frog meme they call Pepe (Kek.) As this Google Trend chart (right) shows, the Slave Culture totem frog became relevant to our culture in coincidence with the VC phase.

“Looks like things are getting all PC again. How long do you think this will last?”

“We’ve got at least 5.9 years to go”

– Ref. South Park (2015); Ref. AHNZ post for video

In 2018 an unprecedented number of New Zealanders refused to cooperate with their VC administrators in completing their census forms. The poor turnout had led to collection problems to the point that the results of this Doomsday stock take have not been released even to this day! As much as people who identify with other Cultures try to stop VC it is only the nihilism of the SC who can do so effectively by acts like these.

Life’s but a walking shadow ; a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more : it is a tale
Told by an idiot ; full of sound and fury.
Signifying nothing.

How unthinkable before the break-up of Christendom, the tragic split that followed the Reformation ; and yet I feel that the human mind has gained a new greatness by outstaring this emptiness.– Kenneth Clark quoting Shakespeare in Civilisation (1969)

In c.March 2019 came the Honkler meme (above) which is a new version of Pepe but dressed up as a clown. Now the totem animal did more than bare pain without blinking and render VC-inflicted suffering meaningless by denying them the satisfaction of crying out. The Honkler evolution embraced the torture. Learned to love and enjoy it.

There is absolutely nothing a VC (who rely upon others to be adverse to suffering) can do in the face of that. As we know from the history of the High Middle Ages this is how being burned alive at the stake and being hung, drawn, and quartered finally came to an end as institutions. The SC victims learned to participate in their own murders willingly and as an act of piety; What could be more Clown World than this?

I should jam in here that Honkler was preceded by Ugandan Knuckles and his SC taunt to VC, “Do you know the way?” (A sceptical expression toward VC’s pretend superiority that I assume has be used by “students” to mock countless VC “teachers” in recent months.)

The dramatus persona of memes has been added to in recent weeks by Daenerys Targaryen Squint and Sceptical Thor Squint. The sentiment on show here is secure, bemused, indulgent scepticism toward power. That’s big. Open scepticism toward power is a real evolution from Honkler’s fatalistic resignation. And I knew I had better hurry up and write this post when, today, I saw the above meme shared: A fresh desire to be able to express this newly roused scepticism on any given Facebook post. (However all such expressions may soon be at an end.)

What’s Next?

I would say we are coming really close now to the curtain coming down on VC. There will be a Demolition Phase after the current Sceptical Phase that will involve some form of art and fashion. For past examples, see Punk (c.1978) and Rave (1990s.) I don’t know for sure what form 2019/2020 ‘Punk’ will take but I do think it has begun in the underground already. It will be oppositional toward Political Correctness and iconoclastic toward VC sacred cows like “safe spaces” and “discrimination” and “environmental sustainability.” For a time it may ironically conform to VC rules as in France where protesters voluntarily wear the Yellow Vests that The State forces drivers to own. Or, musically, a catharsis may come from a raft of fake PSA (Public Service Announcement) tunes. In terms of comedy the likes of Juice Media is already reacting against The State this way (if imperfectly.)

It’s a job for Generation Z, the ones who have suffered the most from Victimhood Culture Millennials. They will need to be radical because VC really doesn’t want to go when its time is up and will dig in with every lever of power it has. After these nihilistic artistic figures have won the war perhaps they’ll be able to stop being SC though it will remain their default and mark them for life. Their victory short-lived, Honour Culture will roll over them like a mixed metaphor through butter…

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