January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

See-through wheelie bins

June 22, 2019


The secrets to the state of our culture, and that of Australia’s, are clear to see in this story about rubbish.

Two City of Adelaide Councillors (both career bureaucrats) are pushing for transparent recycling bins for their city..

“.. a plan to enforce better practices on residents by making them feel embarrassed.”

“…effect of making people feel “rubbish shame” if they used their bins incorrectly”

“In a way, it is kind of naming and shaming.”

“I agree with Rob’s idea, and we should rubbish shame people.”- NZ Herald

The Australians might actually go for it but could it happen here?

It’s un-New Zealand. We value toilets with doors that go all the way down to the floor (Americans, ahem..) We value keeping our dirty laundry private. We value the Secret Ballot at elections. We value having our own private homes and cars rather than communal living and transport.

Unlike Americans, our school children have their own individual lunch boxes. That’s our culture, our normal, our institution. In the USA school children (and prisoners) line up to be fed in a sort of mess hall; It’s communal.

Individualist culture isn’t just transmitted to Kiwi children through having a private lunch box. Each child has their own teacher and classroom, at least that’s how it was. The State has been pushing the Open Classrooms experiment pretty hard. In this situation the child is forced to adjust to a big (r-selected) communal barn-like learning environment. What were once separate classrooms and teachers are amassed into one large “big-box” hall. The up-shot of this chaos erases the Kiwi culture of being individualistic.

“The opening of Haeata Community College…signposted a new era for schooling in the east. It’s a poster child for big-box classrooms, catering for up to 200 kids in one space.” – Ref. Previous post: Haeata Community College

This ‘Panoptican’ rubbish bin is part of a competing ethic to push back at our individualism culture. Open up our lives to be judged and evaluated by authorities as if we were subject to them. As if we were still at school. As if Big Brother knows best.

Only a Slave Culture would submit to being so regulated so why South Australia? Why is it good PR for these two SJW politicians to propose such nonsense rather than be kicked out of Adelaide? I think it’s because that town has a long history of Big Brother. New Zealand colonies were founded by free people but then taken over by The State.

From the very first, Adelaide was a dysfunctional Public Private Partnership. It can be no accident that she is littered with church buildings, overt monuments to authority-worship. The road north is littered with abandoned stone houses from an early un-viable government program that wasted life and resources all for the misplaced faith in The State.

Adelaide’s rulers are a Victimhood Culture class standing over a body of Slave Culture who accept being told what to do. That’s why every glass bottle that could even end up in Australia has the that sanctimonious “10c refund at collection depots when sold in SA” line stuck to it. Certainly not because the South Australia has somehow found a productive way to dispose of glass waste where all others have failed. No, they’re simply world-leaders in being superior sons of bitches.

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