January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Petition of Jessica Quinn

July 30, 2019


Two things I know about Millennials: They’re obsessed with Victimhood (preferably someone else’s that they can champion) and with throwing tantrums to get Big Brother to grant their wishes.

Never has this been more clear than in this latest example of Jessica Quinn’s petition…

“Now is when I ..figure out what to do from here because I’m not overly clued up on politics,” Quinn confessed to Stuff.co.nz

“Obviously a law change would be awesome,” she said.

Quinn now has exceeded the 10,000 signature threshold set by the New Zealand House of Representatives for its consideration. The petition itself was suggested by the Prime Minister herself..

Petition request

That the House of Representatives pass legislation requiring brands, advertisements, and the media to disclose if the physical appearance of a model has been altered or retouched in photographs.- Petition of Jessica Quinn: Transparency around retouching of photographs of models; Parliamentary Business Petitions; www.parliament.nz

Question: Why the hell should Government even get involved in the first place??

Because the Palace founded on Victimhood must, from time to time, come to worship at the shrine.

Politicians used to kiss babies. Now they ‘kiss’ and bless offended people. That’s how I make sense of our Kiwi Khaleesi keeping up appearances by getting in on Ihumatao and touching base with Jess’ dog whistle.

Question: What ever happened to kissing babies?

Politicians don’t care, they’ll kiss anything to get their way to power. In a previous Victimhood Culture age Labour 3.0 had their own “I Care” campaign. In the following Muldoonist Slave Culture era the Prime Minister sidled up with Feliz NaviDope Virtue Signalling and assorted ‘Green’ initiatives such as Carless Days and Magic Trains.

The continuation of the species through having babies is not the priority of our nation. Not anymore. Not unless you’re Maori, Polynesian, or immigrant; Their fertility rates are encouraged and doing just fine by contrast. Kissing babies belongs to an earlier era where babies mattered. Now we kiss the tomb: We celebrate abolishing things. We champion anti-individuality and Ethnomasochism.

Question: Do fertility signals need to be legislated against?

Quinn says so because, as a Millennial, she cannot conceive of social problems being solved in a free market. The paradox of her being a so-called “social media influencer” is that she has no influence. Just rides a wave of conforming to the prejudiced Feels of a Millennial Victimhood sub-culture with no idea of the implications or how to pay for them.

A true social influencer would lead the way and show the world what can be done rather than show the world they know how to be popular.

Virtue Signal Feints

Dispensing with “alterations” (whatever that even means) is also a young fertile woman’s way to signal that she does not need them. It’s a Virtue Signal of how amazing Jess thinks she is to look at for us all just by being herself.

Wealthy bourgeois living in gated communities signal the same way when they call for criminals to vote or state programs to import more immigrants: “Look how protected I am, I can withstand a huge conceit!”

False supporters of the Free Market are doing it too: “De-regulate everything, make it a dog-eat-dog world because I’m such a wealthy business genius that I can take it! “Stoke the fires of chaos,” they say to signal how bad-ass they are.

Secretly all these irresponsible people with false ego bubbles are desperately relying upon someone who really is sane to rescue them. They’ve split their personalities and shirked their personal responsibility on to someone else upon whom they rely to make sure things don’t go to far. They have outsourced the breaks & blinkers to a co-pilot so that they can reserve for themselves only glory and reputation of being a no-limits accelerator pedal person.

This kind of “selfishness” is really getting out of hand in our peak Victimhood Culture phase; The Jessica Quinns and Pania Newtons of our world will happily drive civilisation off a cliff for their cheering fans.

Image ref. ‘Hanoi Jane’ Fonda (We’ve seen all this before)

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