March 13, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Storm Ihumatao, Storm St Lukes Mall

August 1, 2019


We have been following with interest the escalating Slave Culture as it topples Victimhood Culture to take its turn at being mainstream.

“The passive whipping boy Honkler evolved into Scepticism Culture some months ago. The Victimhood Masters lashed out with escalation including confiscation of our plastic bags and guns.” Most recently, Virtue Signalling Supermarket, Countdown, swore an oath to restrict the supply of Slave drinks.

For those who take memes seriously it has been clear what Slave Culture’s next responce would be: Storming the Gates.

Storm the set of Shortland Street, they can’t stop all of us
Storm The Warehouse They Can’t Stop Us All
Storm The Beehive to Reinstate John Key – They Can’t Stop Us All
Storm winz, they cant stop all of us

Just Warming Up

Of course the above potential storming locations are just symbolic, aren’t they? Protesting outside KFC restaurant or on open ground at Ihumatao or even marching through a quasi-public place like St Lukes Mall are on one side of a line. To actually break into and disrupt someone else’s home or business is Next Level lawlessness on a par with the pitch invasions of 1980s Springbok Tour proportions. 1930s Riots, Slave Prison riots.

In the great collective unconscious human zeitgeist something is cooking and we’re counting down to it. Some of the energy was channelled toward nationwide protests against State mistreatment of children (see image above.)

Yesterday at lunch St Lukes mall, Auckland, was the target. Not content with the pace they are already being replaced by immigrants, checkout robots, and other capital equipment, the workers demand yet higher artificial wages. Yesterday they crossed a new line.The State being The State, sooner or later a violent police response will show force and start cracking skulls. I’m already sad about it.

Slave Culture makes the next move. I highly doubt any of these places are going to be “stormed” literally but something will be stormed. They’re warming up to it and VC will have an authoritarian response worse than anything seen so far.- NZB3, last week

Not content with the pace they are already being replaced by immigrants, checkout robots, and other capital equipment, the workers demand yet higher artificial wages. Yesterday they crossed a new line.

The State being The State, sooner or later a violent police response will show force and start cracking skulls. I’m already sad about it.


The occupation at Ihumatao, South Auckland, has also drawn some of this Slave Culture energy. Especially within the past week, it’s drunken deeply of the resentment and grief. It’s tokenism and does not make sense, as Moana Jackson himself (approvingly) said himself…

“While some may go to those places for their own reasons, I think it is that recognition of the injustice…”

“I think what Ihumātao illustrates – as say Pākaitore did, the foreshore and seabed, Raglan, Bastion Point – they illustrate that sometimes the history of an injustice becomes crystallised in a particular moment, in a particular piece of whenua and people may not necessarily know all the history, they may have a jaundice or misunderstood view of the history, but they recognise an injustice,” says Jackson.

Ref. Ihumātao – ‘Don’t forget, the Crown caused this problem’, Moana Jackson; Te Ao

And, he’s right. Many more most on the side of Pania of the Grief’s protest occupation have no idea they are Pania Newton’s pawns in an extended family squabble. As a Victimhood Culture Priest, she has simply harnassed them to her banner; It’s what VCs do.

“Police should enforce the eviction notices and the Government should regard the Treaty settlement with Te Kawerau a Maki as truly full and final as the text of the deed says, Ms Costello said.”- Hobson’s Pledge Trust

Pania Newton deliberately tore up the trespass notice served on her. If the Police removed her, she would slink back to Ihumatao. If they arrested her, it would be a publicity dream come true of Bastille Day proportions making the girl internationally famous and an historic figure. That is why the law cannot touch her; The VC is too strong in this current era; Powered by SC.

Impending Crack Down

Slave Culture cannot riot and crash through private property with impunity. July 2019 has all been fun and games. Storm a mall, flout trespass notices, get on TV, complain about discrimination and HOPE your tantrum has been enough to make The Govenment grant your wishes. If not, rinse and repeat.

That’s what worked for these Millennials (ie Pania, and Jess Quinn) when it came to getting their parents to put out the resources and favours; That’s what they’ve grown up to adopt as adults for a Means of Production. It’s all fun and games…

…until someone loses an eye!

It was ever thus. The initial rapturous eruption of “people power”, followed by the Establishment’s remorseless re-imposition of control. First: the planting of trees and a police constable singing in harmony with the crowd. Then: the fear blowing in, cold and unforgiving; blighting all the bright colours; silencing the songs.- Ihumatao Watched By Unfriendly Eyes, Chris Trotter;

August and September 2019 are not going to be guitars, fun, and games. Slave Culture must have its day and will not be pacified, Victimhood Culture will leap out in front and try to lead it for its own ends. Honour Culture will try to pick up chicks and flex some muscle by joining various factions and trying to punch and truncheon their way to satisfaction.

As Trotter observes, the longer the Prime Minister sucks up to the r-selected cultures the more confident they will become. The more damage they will do before someone finally puts their foot down. If Labour 5.0 turn on their r-selected base they will lose Maori seats and the support of the Progressive Left. But if they don’t, then National will sweep to power on a platform of Law and Order like so many times in the past. So now we know how the next election is going to be decided.

Australian Supervillian Brenton Tarrant’s design to hurry all of this along seems to be working. New Zealand usually lags behind these trends of cultural hand-overs but right now we’re set to be among the first in the world. New Zealand is on the brink of a shaky transition into mainstream Slave Culture. Once established, Honour Culture will quickly take over.

Image ref. Newshub


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