February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Conducting the SJW Orchestra

August 14, 2019


New Zealand celebrated this week as Wellington’s Metlink train service bravely called the Police out on a 16 year old girl. The train’s conductor, JJ Phillips has been “hailed as a hero” for taking “a stand against racism.”

The scene was a dark and cold night at Wellington’s dodgy and dirty Ngauranga railway platform. Temperatures dipped into single digits last Thursday at about 8.30pm but “a young girl, about 16” was told to step out into it. If the anonymous girl were to make it home (15km away) unmolested and unfrozen on foot it would have been by about midnight. Or, perhaps she would have been permitted to shiver alone at Ngauranga station without being sexually assaulted until another Metlink train came. Such questions are not considered because this girl is not the victim, she’s the enemy!

After 20 minutes delay (which may have happened with or without this brave act of civic activism to attribute it to) the girl was extracted by Police. What the lone teen had done to offend is alleged to have been a tirade of abuse toward an immigrant Indian speaking Hindi on his phone. As usual with these sorts of Social Justice Warrior hero-worship situations there is no evidence, no names. Disputes happen on public transport every day in New Zealand and around the world, conductors sort them out all the time too. As Phillips keeps reminding the media, she was only what she is paid to do. Yet…

“Phillips was praised by Wellington Mayor Justin Lester and the Human Rights Commission.”- Stuff

“How far would you go to take a stand against racism?”

“The Human Rights Commission has published her speech online with a message for people to “be like JJ.”- TVNZ

“We were just in awe that she had the courage to say ‘this isn’t on and I’m not going to put up with it”- Radio New Zealand

“incredibly proud to be Mayor of this city” and he intended to nominate JJ for a Civic Safety Award and “shout them morning tea”.- Justin Lester, Mayor of Wellington

Naturally, seeking to be re-elected in a few weeks the Mayor would love nothing more than a morning tea time photo opportunity with a “hero” he helped invent. Not content with getting campaigning help from Labour 6.0 Ministers, Mayor Lester’s media clout helps explain why all these media outlets are swooning over an everyday happening.

I feel sorry for JJ Phillips, the conductor. She sees her actions as simply doing her job although she did speechify a bit about race relations on the night to try to pressure the girl. And, she did drop a line about our sacred cow: The Christchurch Massacre. But is it really cause for international celebration when a grown, uniformed, woman whose paid profession is to maintain order inside a metal box is able to prevail over a 16yo kid after 20 minutes by ringing up some policemen to enact her will? “That’s what we do. We are here for the care and safety of passengers,” she said but nobody but Anarkiwi is listening.

Note also: Phillips appears to be of Maori descent so the SJW anti-racist speech is probably more personal than professional. The alleged victim was Indian, so probably used to having women fight his battles for him. (The kid, we don’t know, but I think there’s a subliminal vibe that she represents White Supremacy and was stopped just in time to save the r-selected Victimhood Culture Watership Down Warren from Trumpocolypse.) And as for Phillips’ company Metlink…well they rely on immigrant labour and cosmopolitan culture in all their staff. If Phillips did not think about immigrants the way she does then she would not be able to stand working in public transport for long!

Like Auckland and other centres, Metlink contrive to pay their skilled staff less than New Zealanders are willing to be paid by importing immigrant workers. That, by the way, is cause for the dispute in Auckland that’s causing so many delays in the train transit system but it’s kept very quiet. Just take a look at Metlink’s advertising for new drivers and the racial demographic they’re targetting. And, see their Facebook page showcasing the diversity of drivers they’ve been adding (Mr Bhasker, Mr Yin,..) Least these be removed in future, I’ve taken these two screen shots (above.)

The Projection of the Boogieman

Looking back on this era of Victimhood Culture people are not going to believe how far New Zealand had gone down this path. That we were so afraid of the spectre of racism that we sensationalised an everyday incident and publicised nothing special and handed out a civic award for someone doing their job. For now though, the SJW train will continue until one day it goes too far and jumps the tracks and jumps the shark. One day soon a projected-upon ‘Boogieman’ will tell their own side of the story and smash the SJW credibility beyond repair. Or, worse, the anonymous super-villain slain on the train will turn out to be a scared little girl who was raped and murdered on her way back to Mum & Dad because Metlink needed to be Politically Correct.


Image ref. Wikipedia

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