February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles


August 27, 2019


The State is paying for propaganda advertisements to fool you into thinking its local branch offices are not part of the State at all. Instead of referring to themselves as ‘Local Government’ they say ‘Localism.nz’
” If you believe locals should have more say in the decisions that affect local communities, that’s localism.”
By referring to Central Government as ‘the Beehive’ and Local Government as ‘Localism’ and dropping the .govt from their URL, The State think they’ve got you tricked.
“Belonging to many networks does not add up to having a community, not matter how many you belong to or how often your telephone rings.”- John Taylor Gatto
True Localism is building and maintaining community infrastructure and ties without officials. Without licences, without permission, without professional bureaucracy, without being paid to be there, without forcing people to fund you. Localism is done with virtue, consent, amateurism, love, freedom, initiative, particiaption, organic community, valour, honour, dignity.


A nation of communities has become a nation of institutions. The best of Local Government is what was raided from communities and the best of new Local Government initiative and sentiment is harvested on-the-fly from real people and recited back to them by Big Brother.


I suspect this new Janis-face of the State Hydra, Localism.nz, is just a new group of politicians seizing control from the old lgnz.co.nz or older localcouncils.govt.nz. Like Dial 105 for Nash reminds us of, the machinery of power is constantly being fought over by the Sociopaths of our country. To this end, they re-brand and change phone numbers and names and titles and websites to hurriedly force out the Old Guard and put their own people in charge. Politicians hurry to do this before they become un-elected and the tables turn, their competition switch the tables and start doing the same back….on and on, over and over.Localists (Anarchists, Libertarians,..) can take some consolation at this sincerest form of flattery. That The State’s market research and branding expenditure has invested in Socialising the ideals of Localism means they recognise its value. Theft is a compliment criminals pay to virtuous people. People are becoming sick of Government and waking up to Anarchism. Yet, it is hard to have a revolution when The State, devoid of initiatives of its own, is constantly pillaging and expropriating that revolution, piece by piece, and claiming it was all their own idea.

Ref also
Ref. also Subsidiarity, Wiki
Update Dec 2019: Added the post about Chesterton’s quote

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