January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“If You Don’t Vote You Must Love The State”

September 16, 2019


Another gem from the big thread about Voting vs Not-voting.

I’m humbled by the Blue Pill Error Codes laid Anarkiwi’s feet by all these well-meaning people. It’s not reason or evidence, there are no arguments offered for why one should vote. But there are a variety of viral memes people have ingested to compel them to vote in elections and upon inquiry they come pouring out like a computer’s error report. Great to have the chance to take a look into the Settings panel to see what freedom is up against.

“It’s Your Future – if you don’t vote, then you must be happy with the way things are.”

This implanted Core Belief into the thinker’s firmware relies upon a basic binary dichotomy.

Election Subprogram:

IF $vote = “you do not vote”
THEN condone= “happily” AND the_way_things_are= “Your Future.”


Thus the software architecture mandates that one automatically condones The State with all of their conviction. What they could do as an alternative is to condone The State by participating in its election process. By squeezing your self-expression down into the prescribed Government paperwork and putting it in the ballot box you are thus taking your one alternative to blessing The State!

Condone the political process by participation
You must obviously condone the political process then

Once The State has propagandised a person to regulate their thoughts this way (I hesitate to call it thinking) that person is now contained in a tight little box.

Free expression, free association, the idea that we could decide for ourselves what we do or do not condone, is eliminated neatly and logically. Individuals are taken out of circulation, their freedom silenced and The State can keep on truckin’.

Only problem is that the premise is false. There are not enough lifetimes for me to ‘endorse’ or ‘take part’ in all the decisions on this planet today that I would be held responsible for under this rule. By not speaking against something I am not guilty of approving it. By not being involved in something, somewhere, I cannot be presumed to be for or against it and neither can you.

We do not, as individuals, need to show up to one of these wheel-chair accessible polling locations for someone from The State to hand us our mana back!

The sort of person this particular mind hack works on is someone who knows nothing about consent. At an early age this person was in the power of others who dictated what their future would be and never gave a damn for their prisoner’s preferences or opinions. This voter has grown up believing their only resort for having any say in their own life was to show up and give input whenever they were instructed to. Obey: Speak when spoken to. Refer to this as your autonomy, refer to this as Democracy, refer to your master as one who gives you a say.

Sorry to say there is a generation of people like this growing up under the shadow of Millennial Victimhood Culture. Parents, teachers, etc have treated their charges this way and Gen Z in particular have been crippled by it because they’ve only ever been on the receiving end.

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