January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Vegan Storm

September 18, 2019


Animal Rights activists reminded us this week what a strong voice they are within the r-selected faction of the New Zealand Gene Wars.

St Lukes Mall, and Countdown in particular, was assaulted again by a storm of protesters much as they were last month…

“Yesterday at lunch St Lukes mall, Auckland, was the target. Not content with the pace they are already being replaced by immigrants, checkout robots, and other capital equipment, the workers demand yet higher artificial wages. Yesterday they crossed a new line.The State being The State, sooner or later a violent police response will show force and start cracking skulls. I’m already sad about it.”- Storm Ihumatao, Storm St Lukes Mall; NZB3, August 2019

Yet another line has been crossed. This time the trespassing was specifically by Animal Rights Activists who quickly fled when the Police attended the scene. Amanda Rippon, Deno Stock, and others actually protested within the supermarket this time rather than the mall’s common promenade/concourse. They specifically stationed themselves at the meat section and obstructed and filmed shoppers! They tampered with the produce, re-labelling it with their own messages. This is a clear escalation.

“Video of the event shows one of the organisers, Amanda Rippon, shouting at staff when they asked her if she had permission, explaining it was a peaceful protest for the “victims” of the meat industry.”- Shoppers lash out at vegan protest inside Countdown St Lukes; Newshub

It was not reported in what force of numbers the invaders hit St Lukes this time. Judging from the protesting in  Queen Street a month back they are many. Smashing through the boundaries of peaceful protest, as they were, is to be expected to  go yet further if we remember the signals from earlier…

“I also accept that the timing of September 20th is no accident. In the great collective unconscious human zeitgeist something is cooking and we’re counting down to it….something will be stormed. They’re warming up to it and VC will have an authoritarian response worse than anything seen so far.”- “Storm X, they can’t stop us all”; NZB3

The time is now upon us where the Slave Culture faction of the r-selected part of our society said they would strike.

“Storm the set of Shortland Street, they can’t stop all of us
Storm The Warehouse They Can’t Stop Us All
Storm The Beehive to Reinstate John Key – They Can’t Stop Us All
Storm winz, they cant stop all of us”
The time frame given, back in June 2019, was that these outbreaks would occur now. On or around September 20th, so, before this month’s end. Personally, I am fully expecting the New Zealand Government to respond with a violent crack-down on the Slave Culture protesters who will shortly take their cause one step too far.

“I think that the way those animal parts have been put in the supermarket is far more extreme than what we’re doing, we’re not doing any damage to anything, we’re just standing with a sign.”- Deno Stock

Stock’s moral relativism is a clue to the form the coming Slave riot will take. Most any action Stock and his group can take, any harm they inflict, pales in comparison to how they feel about animal cruelty and is therefore morally permissible¹. Any violence or attacks made on the part of this group are justified by their overpowering empathy for livestock and repressed empathy toward fellow humans. It’s a blank cheque to unleash any level of horror.

These Vegans got away with their action this week, as did the August protesters, as have the Ihumatao law-breakers. That ensures they will be back and feel at liberty to push harder until something finally pushes back.

Buckle up. Something’s happening here.

1 Pro-Life activists, by this ethic, would be justified in storming into abortion clinics and obstructing medics from their clients. And, handling equipment and re-stickering it because they feel like this violation would be tame by comparison. Meanwhile, Labour 6.0 is working on legislation that would criminalise protest within a 150m range to create a “safe zone.” Government always seeks to criminalise the activity of out-groups.

Image ref. Large numbers of Animal Rights Activists protest down Queen Street a month ago; The Vegan Society of Aotearoa New Zealand, Facebook

Image ref. TVNZ image of tampered produce; (Dead link now)

Image ref. Vegan “distraction” party celebrating their hit-and-run; Amanda Rippon, Facebook

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