January 29, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“If Someone doesn’t understand privilege, show them this”

October 4, 2019


 Dignity Culture people really believe that even the most disadvantaged little urchin, if he works hard and is talented, will be promoted to his rightful place. Horatio Algar (1832-1899) championed the American Dream. He wrote stories for young people based around the premise that value rewards virtue.

“God doesn’t call the elect, God elects the called’”

The fruit of such promoting talented young people called to greatness but born in obscurity include people like Ernest Rutherford and Kiri Te Kanua.

Drill Sargent Adam Doynes

Not all Moral Cultures are in agreement when it comes to their attitudes toward what to do with Tall Poppy children. A DC person wants to raise them up but in a Victimhood era the special kids are an offence to the equality god and must be weeded out. One such weeding-out propaganda is actually called Horatio Alger Exercise. As you will see, it’s named to dishonour Algar and twist his message.

At this point, please do watch this video that has been circulating. Here we have Adam Doynes drilling children under his care with the r-selected Victimhood Culture chop’o-matic propaganda ‘Algar Exercise’….

This is not a learning exercise but an exercise in propaganda. The sort of breaking of people that happens in army basic training. Nobody gets the chance to interact or discuss or question the premises they are having inflicted upon them. Indeed, at the end, they are told that if they have not conformed to the lesson then they “are a fool.” Is this healing?

What would one of these runners say if they could speak to power? I would say that depriving kids of their attachment needs, a married home, a father, tuition, food, money is what’s wrong here. Children whose needs are not met ought to be regarded as the odd ones out. Since when did a healthy upbringing become a privilege? Why do we shame those who have it and normalise what used to be known as being under-privileged or just plain normal?

Is this Drill Sargent of Social Justice brave enough to have the impoverished kids take a step back? The math would be the same, the end distribution just as correct. But that would be humiliating, the kids would be singled out for shame. How can we process this unequal distribution (which I don’t quibble with) in a PC world? Why, by having the normal kids single themselves out and take the burden of shame and humiliation of course! And if they wont do that, as they’ve twice been told, they are “fools.”

Re-Defining Normal

People like this Drill Sargent (Adam Doynes) will tell you it’s luck and privilege. Is it?

Is a state of having poverty and abuse and a scrambled Internal Family System what we should accept as normal and healthy and any ‘step’ forward considered luck?

My position is that children have a right to have their needs met and if they do it isn’t luck but a right. If they don’t, it’s not normal it’s a tragedy.

Focus on the Negative

To a point it’s another version of ‘is the glass half empty or half full’? Both are mathematically true but one comes with a positive mindset and the other negative, especially when the ‘glass’ is another human being we are thinking about or ourself.

I resent videos like this deciding what our attitude should be and calling us “fools” if we disagree. I’m a glass-half-full guy but I don’t try to win my case by creating or sharing name-calling videos.

What I would like is for parents to accept they are responsible for providing their child’s needs. If they don’t that is failure, not “unlucky”. When parents succeed they are good parents, they’ve done well and ought to be recognised not treated as if they’ve passively won the lottery.

What I would like is for parents to accept they are responsible for providing their child’s needs. If they don’t that is failure, not “unlucky”.

For children, I would like them to see themselves as unconditionally valuable. To rightly demand that their healthy needs are met, to know they are important, never shrug off being given less because they are a lesser being. Don’t call it ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ in this passive way, don’t hope you matter or have rights or deserve love: Know you have a right to love and be loved and that it comes through action not the toss of dice!

1 I heard this quote on a Christian radio station this week while I was looking for a music station.

Note: This childhood mentality also ties in with the adult version, the idea that citizenship and human rights are not yours but  must be paid for. Ref. The Price of Citizenship; AHNZ

Note: State TV in the UK, Channel 4, televised the same exercise with their children as subjects. Ref. Heartbreaking Moment When Kids Learn About White Privilege | The School That Tried to End Racism, Youtube (2020)

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