February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Mongrel Mob Kingdom announces first female chapter”

October 5, 2019


We have a Victimhood Culture Government currently which seeks to govern within a Slave Culture mainstream environment. The signs of Slave Culture are all around us now with daily reports of protests and revolts to beg and complain. Malls are invaded in Auckland and Hamilton, welfare offices are besieged, children en mass ditch school to whinge in public.

“Vegan activists have again taken up protesting inside a Countdown Supermarket, this time in dairy-producing heartland Hamilton.”- Vegan activists return to Countdown, sing ‘give life a chance’ in the aisles; News Hub

“On September 27, the third climate strike will take place, and thousands of New Zealanders will take to the streets to demand stronger and more effective climate action from governments worldwide.”-Climate strike: Protest is in Kiwis DNA and the climate needs us to take action; Stuff

Certainly Victimhood Culture is worried about losing its grip on power as they fail to supply or even pacify the endless wants of Slave Culture. Minimum Wage price floors can never be raised too high that the SC will think it still too low. No matter what threats and rules are made for electricity retailers the SC will never be satisfied that they’re not being cheated somehow.

“Woods said work will “start immediately” on setting mandatory minimum standards to protect vulnerable and medically dependent consumers, as recommended in the review.”- Government’s threat to power companies: End prompt payment discounts or we will; Newshub

Our VC Government can never win. The demand is infinite, the supply of stolen goods and credibility of the politician’s promises a diminishing resource. The only ‘climate crisis’ really going on is that the r-selected climate is coming to a close now (and not short enough it was.) In these final days, the VC becomes more desperate to hang on but make no mistake these are its death throes.

The largest Mongrel Mob chapter in the world, Waikato-based Mongrel Mob Kingdom, is establishing an all-female chapter.

In an exclusive interview with the Herald, Paula Ormsby, who will lead the group, said the chapter would be running by the end of 2020. It would be named the Mongrel Mob Wāhine Toa and would be a part of the Mongrel Mob Kingdom.- Mongrel Mob Kingdom announces first female chapter; NZ Herald

Enter: Honour Culture (HC.) Here is a culture that doesn’t try to grant Slave Culture wishes to earn fame and power like VC do. The HC agent has no respect for Slave people and will roll right over them like a wave. The athletic HC will bully the SC kids in school and in the workplace with impunity, immune to cries of “that hurts” or “that’s offensive” or “I feel unsafe” which were high currency in the VC era.

“That’s right, a new legitimacy for HC has been granted in presenting a gang spokesman as an academic authority. Another new golden age of New Zealand gangs is upon us.”- NZB3

A future Government certainly will clamp down on the gangs and HC culture. National 6.0 will come to power on a platform of being hard on crime and hostile toward gangs just as they frequently have done in the past¹. This will be a solution to a problem that is only now just finding its feet. Mongrel Mob For Her may not really eventuate but even so it is another sign of the rising HC era.

“Funny that the Government are watching so-called white supremacists who do not cause harm instead of pursuing gangs right in front of them”- commenter

It’s true! The Victimhood Culture Government is running scared of White Supremacists, especially in the backlash to the Christchurch Massacre. The focus this week has been on Action Zealandia, a so-called white supremacist group that has promoted itself with a few stickers around University of Auckland. The University says this expression is within the bounds of free speech but Slave Culture is triggered and terrified!

Why is the VC hegemony reactionary toward fledgling ‘white-supremacists’ and their sticker books but neutral or supportive toward organised gangs that are associated with violence, drugs, crime, and refuse to let anyone ‘buy back’ their arsenal of weapons?

The paradox is resolved through the lens of the Theory of Moral Culture. VC and HC are natural allies, they rise and fall together simultaneously throughout history. Indeed, they frequently become romantically involved. These are the Personality Cultures, they are quick to Trigger and take everything that happens in the world as being all about them. They are hyper-sensitive to social hierarchy and form an alliance against their common enemies.

Right now Slave Culture’s hunger outstrips Victimhood Culture’s supply, VC can use HC as some muscle to dampen down the flock’s demand. HC is very happy to smash SC to bits, only restrained by the abstract rules of laws that the VC now preside over. SC will sense that, if it doesn’t want the lid to come off HC’s careless violence toward them, it had better not topple VC just yet.

Victimhood and Honour Culture’s natural predator (culturally speaking) is Dignity Culture and they fear it. That’s why their attention and anxiety is directed toward ‘white supremacists’. They think they can kill it before it grows stronger and saner. Action Zealandia is a primitive form of what may become a Dignity Culture. It resembles a form that Hitler’s paramilitary Brownshirts might of started off from before evolving into the Waffen-SS. New Zealand is a long way from that sort of extremity but the very abstract prospect of anything like this terrifies the r-selected to triggering distraction.

1 A new-look authoritarian National is already shaping up: Fines for parents of school drop-outs considered for National Party policy; Stuff

Image ref. Paula Ormsby; Mongrel Mob Public Relations photo; NZ Herald

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