January 29, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles


October 18, 2019


Just found out that ‘incel’ means ‘involuntarily celibate’.

That’s it?

The way the word is used I thought it was an insult to someone’s political attitudes or opinions. Like saying you’re far-left or far-right. That you were one of Lenin’s ‘useful idiots’ or perhaps you’re an NPC (Non-Game Character.) I know I don’t work very hard to keep up with the latest jargon but I’ve learned this now and will never be able to look at ‘incel’ in ignorance again. I’ve been inducted! So it’s worth writing down what I think before the old perception is lost.

So! It turns out we’re attacking people over the perceived infrequency of their sexual encounters now? That’s a ‘gotchya!’ in 2019.

That’s a thing you can say instead of an argument to insult someone else, something a lot of people think is going to hurt. A wound they can lean on, a trigger they press to have someone self-attack. Get ’em out of circulation, out of the debate, by name-calling. Not “jobless” or “brainless” or “evil” or “unproductive” or “racist” or “misogynistic” or “lazy” or “overweight.”

“I have been thinking about this person’s sex life and I declare there is not enough of it!”

“This person without a sex life is guilty of wanting one!”

“You are before this court to answer the charge of imbalance in your desire vs consumption ration. How do you plead?”

Don’t yet know how to process this revelation, I’m just making observations here. It’s such an Honour Culture way to look at things- concrete concern over reputation and place in the social hierarchy. Another sign HC is rising.

“Yes i think it is meant to suggest how angry they are and how unsuccessful they are as a human, and how much of a potential danger they pose etc”- Commenter

That makes sense to me. We’re living in a time of peaking Slave Culture frustration, hence the protests and tantrums. These are people who are defined by their inability to succeed as a human and their substitute ability to act out and even endanger others until someone grants their wishes. Some Fairy Godmother turns their Cinderella life into gold, some Lotto propaganda advertisement comes to life around them.

Why is the locus around sexual success though? Why not a metric of being employed or politically aware or economically productive? Like the Coomer Meme that VJM assures us is now a thing, this Incel term pivots around sexual access.

So we have a clearly defined battlefront. Wonder what’s going to happen upon it next.

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