January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Firefighters Bash Their Partners”

November 14, 2019


Crossing the Tasman for a moment, there’s a useful reading to be taken as to where we are on the dial of Moral Culture. The four Moral Cultures are: Honour Culture, Dignity Culture, Victimhood Culture, and Slave Culture. Which Culture is in charge, which is rising, which is falling? Here’s some indication..

A domestic violence advocate has been blasted over claims firefighters trying to bring Australia’s bushfire crisis under control will return home to beat their partners.

‘After a cataclysmic event like this, domestic violence peaks,’ Ms Moody said on Wednesday afternoon as Senator Waters watched on.

‘Women become extremely unsafe when, generally, the men return home from the fires and subject them to domestic violence.’

Greens are slammed over extraordinary claims firefighters battling Australia’s devastating blazes will return home to BASH their partners– dailymail.co.uk

From a 4 Moral Cultures point of view, this is simply an outcry from Slave Culture (through Victimhood Culture mouthpieces) against Honour Culture.

Firefighters are an Honour Culture, warriors battling danger to save the tribe from death. A conspicuous display of masculinity and capability.

Well, that scares the hell out of the wimpy weedy Slave Culture folks. So, they have to hit back and try to take the HC guys down a peg or two in this back-stabbing way.

Textbook stuff. At an earlier time SC would have gotten away with comments like these at the expense of ‘patriarchal’ HC. Consider, for example, the Slave Culture attack from Cassidy Boon in November 2015. But now (and especially while things are on fire) there’s just no way. VC is leaving its former ward, SC, high and dry.

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