February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Transition Between Feudal Lords

December 18, 2019


As Anarchists knew all along, Labour 6.0 don’t care about pleasing “clean” Environmentalists or quitting carbon energy. That’s just some junk they say to abolish the existing industry belonging to the Old Guard. Remember when Labour 6.0 came to power and put a morotorium on oil and gas exploration?
“…the decision in April last year that the Government would not issue any new offshore oil and gas exploration permits, and no new onshore permits outside of Taranaki.”- Government to build $27m clean energy centre in Taranaki; Stuff
That done, the new Government carries on the same activity anyway!

It’s Only About Power

The difference is that the ticket clipped will be the New Boss rather than the Old Boss. Don’t worry folks, just a transition between Feudal Lords!
“The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has granted consent to an [Australian] oil and gas [giant] company to drill off the coast of Otago….up to 10 exploration and appraisal wells, along with consent for associated discharges…
“The submissions were non-notified, meaning public submissions were not sought, a statement from the authority said on Tuesday.”
“The decision has been slammed by Greenpeace as “deeply hypocritical” after the Government championed its climate leadership..”- EPA grants drilling and discharge consent for Otago coast to oil and gas company OMV; Stuff
Labour 6.0 did not kill off oil and gas exploration just to be popular. They did it to clear out all the old contracts and deals and arrangements belonging to National 5.0 so they could start all over again with their own deals. If oil and gas explorers want to export our energy they must come to the table of the new regime. That’s the way it always is when the State is given such control, that’s why politicians seek power in the first place.
Getting elected is only the start. You need to then storm the castle of the previous administration and break up their wealth-generating scams and replace them with your own…
“Step 3: Will be to resume oil and gas extraction but now the $$$$ will go to Labour 6.0 which was the main objective all along and no matter that billions have been lost in the transition between Feudal Lords.
“Blah blah blah ‘new’ and blah blah ‘green’ and ‘clean’ are the Sophist trick-words that make it possible.
“Finally Labour 6.0 is, maybe, about to make some proper Machiavellian money. Shouldn’t be long until Step 3; They need some money to win the next election.”- Storming the Taranaki Energy Castle; NZB3 (May 2019)
This Anarchist analysis of political power is totally testable. Watch and see if I’m right or if I’m wrong. I’ve been calling it right on the ball so far but if we don’t get Step 3 very soon I’ll eat my hat.


Looks like this Anarchist doesn’t need to eat his hat any day soon.
Wonder what other confidence tricks Labour 6.0 is going to pull over the Christmas news media dump while nobody is paying any attention? T’is the season for obscuring sausage-making.

Image ref. Oil Rig; GEOFF REID/GREENPEACE; Stuff
Ref. “Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says “transitions have to start somewhere”, after announcing an end to offshore oil exploration.”; Government aims to strike balance ending offshore oil exploration: PM; Stuff (2018)
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