February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

The Victimhood Culture Ends

December 23, 2019


As the SJW gobbled up the institutions of land-owning and male-only suffrage, he grew bigger and bigger. PC Pacman gobbled up other norms involving male exclusivity like Workingmens Clubs, the RSA, and Boy Scouts.

It ate gendered language, declairing that girls can do anything by casting spells such as turning firemen and chairmen into firefighters and chairpersons. It ate up all the adventure playgrounds, turning them into basic land features. It turned basic land features like steps and bumps into elevators and ramps so persons-previously-known-as-handicapped could transit to the Special Olympics which the PC brigade had made for them by chewing through another old norm- athletic excellence.

There isn’t much left to eat! Lately they’ve been down to attacking blue/pink:boy/girl colour norms and even eating ‘sex segregated’ toilets, digesting these in their wake as unisex toilets. Starved of legitimate issues to challenge they become more and more desperate and revisionist and omnivorous. In their hay day they had Intersectionalism. As the time runs out they turn and eat each other alive. The Victimhood Culture ends.

Image ref. The in-group fighting of VC Pacmen over what’s ‘food’; JK Rowling faces criticism after supporting woman who tweeted ‘men cannot change into women’

Image ref. “The commie feminists are going after the vegans, get your popcorn folks!”; Sargon, FB

Image ref. Hugs Anyone?;  Boondecker, The BFD

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