Social Justice
January 20, 2020
Individualism is not a value shared by all. For millions of years, humans lived in and for the tribe. The concept that one owned one’s own life and had individual rights was a revolutionary breakthrough idea so new that few even in 2020 have embraced it. In terms of human development, all our babies are fused with their parents. They’re reliant for food, shelter, protection, and attachment on their parent and the story of individuating and becoming oneself is the story of a life; The path of human development. Collectivism (and Statism) is nothing more than the arrest of that life journey.
That is why the true political spectrum has tribalism at one end and anarchy at the other. Anarchism is political self-responsibility. The Anarchist is the one who is successful, or succeeding, at un-fusing/individuating himself from being a cog in someone else’s machine. He’s not some specialist character playing a role in a larger organism. Though he may have been born inside some tribal collective and groomed to be the Golden One, Wound Bearer, Martyr, Breeder, Tough Guy, Black Sheep, Egghead, Helper etc. he rejects it all; He is the architect of his own life and sets his own goals.
Social Justice Judges
Tribal people are throwbacks to an earlier time in human history. They blend in to civilised society but are not part of it. They did nothing to generate or sustain the fabric of modern society but it accommodates and rewards them as workers just the same. They can earn money, employ their skills, and buy things all without any understanding of the economics or philosophy that makes their wealth possible. Indeed, they may rip at the principles of civilisation by demanding things like Minimum Wages or Affirmative Action or Social Justice.
All of the above has been a long way round of explaining what a Tribalist will do if they become a Judge in a civilised society. Lacking all concept of Objective Justice, they will instead use their position to advance the tribe they are affiliated with. In the following examples that is explicitly the collective group Maoris….
“What influence did Cuthbert’s background have on his behaviour? And should he serve less time in jail because of that background? A judge decided that yes, he should.”- Ref. Judges reduce jail time by up to two years for cultural factors; Stuff
“You will know that this court isn’t like tauiwi courts, this court belongs to a Māori woman” she said. (Tauiwi- Refers to anyone not from your own tribe)- Ref. New judge’s goal: Fewer Māori through courts and in prison; Radio NZ
“Something’s gone wrong…gone astray when the rate for early Maori removals…were generally 70%….as opposed to 25% of the population. That overall statistic is unacceptable and is concerning and is wrong. That sort of disproportionality is not part of the New Zealand that we can be proud of.”- Children’s Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft; Ref. Māori babies five times more likely to be taken into state care – report; Newstalk ZB
These Social Justice Judges are not concerned about the facts of the case, they are concerned about the facts of the race.
Snookered Into Supporting Hatred
The anti-individualist has this conundrum when challenged with facing reality. They are confronted by the fact that people are different after all rather than the Blank Slate of sameness that their ideology demands. Indeed, it is deeper than that because this Leftist/anti-individualist/SJW has crafted their ideology to something more primal: The anti-individuality that comes with being r-selected.
“A defining r-selected trait is to view mankind not as individuals but as an amorphous blob of sameness….individual difference is so actively blanked out from consideration. “- The Anti-Individuality in r-Selected Cultures; AHNZ
So how are they going to mentally process the fact that there seem to be different kinds of people in this world who also have different outcomes? How can they comprehend data input that shows some sorts of people are superior at some things than others?
“We know that long-term disadvantage, the legacy of colonisation if you like, modern day systemic bias and racism..that occurs across all New Zealand…that can’t be excluded. We all know that.”- Judge Andrew Becroft; Ref. Māori babies five times more likely to be taken into state care – report; Newstalk ZB
“If you believe in blank slate theory, the different outcomes for groups with different IQs cannot be the result of anything that could be attributed to an inherent superiority, whether that superiority be natural or learned.”– VJM
“Inherent to modern leftist theory is the belief that the under-representation of black, brown and Muslim people in prestigious positions in Western business, academia and politics can be best explained by white supremacy…The presence of inequality is taken as evidence of the existence of prejudice.”- VJM; ibid
These SJW Judges cannot cognitively (or with political safety in our current era) contemplate the possibility that Maoris are more criminal or worse parents. That would be politically incorrect. Excuses must be made. It’s the System. It’s Colonialism. It’s wrong. Unacceptable. Dispensations must be handed out but not to help the individuals but to ‘fix’ the statistics, to make them as proportional as the Blank Slate ideology insists they ought to be. Thus, lighter sentences are handed out and biases confessed openly by sitting judges.
If Maoris are more criminal and less fit parents we don’t get to fix that or even say it or think it. A shroud is thrown over that. The diagnosis is Politically Incorrect Wrong Think therefore the possibility of a cure is made very remote. Matters will be made worse. Why fix something we are assured is not the problem? Instead of being a better parent someone can be told there’s no need for that because Someone Else made them that way. Instead of resisting acts of crime someone can be told it’s not up to them because Someone Else made them that way.
And, VJM is right about hate too. Without Individual Responsibility there is only Collective Blame. Instead of setting one’s own goals and pursuing one’s own values the objective becomes to blame someone else for not making your dreams come true. Happiness and success has not fallen on your lap- someone else is to blame. They didn’t let you. They were in your way. They stepped on your moment. They didn’t encourage. They didn’t give permission. They didn’t tell you that you could start. If your self-esteem and value is not up to you but up to someone else….and if you’re not getting it….you must hate them beyond hatred.
Ref. New judge’s goal: Fewer Māori through courts and in prison; Radio NZ
Ref. Judges reduce jail time by up to two years for cultural factors; Stuff
Ref. Māori babies five times more likely to be taken into state care – report; Newstalk ZB
Ref. No child will be ‘left un-uplifted’ in Hawkes Bay Hospital; Anarkiwi
Ref. How The Left Snookered Itself Into Supporting Hatred; VJM
Note 2021: Wanted to see that quote again with my own eyes but it’s not in the RNZ article. Is attributed to Hone Harawira: “If you appear (in court) in front of her, you see your mum, you see your sister, you see someone from your family. You will know that this court isn’t like tauiwi courts, this court belongs to a Māori woman”. Usually I’d say I must have made an error but you wouldn’t know these days. Articles get edited and redacted without notice, history re-wrote.
