February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

COVID-19: Moral Cultures React!

April 1, 2020


It’s very interesting to review right now what each of the 4 Moral Cultures are doing in reaction to the COVID-19 Lock Down here in New Zealand.

As the illustration (left) shows, each of these cultures take it in turns as the mainstream culture. Dignity Culture (DC) consumes Honour Culture (HC) and is in turn consumed by Victimhood Culture (VC) which is overthrown by Slave Culture (SC) and on and on we go though history.

As has been outlined over the past 12 months, Slave Culture has been New Zealand’s mainstream even though Victimhood Culture (‘Me Too’, ‘Outrage Industrial Complex’, I’m Offended, Social Justice Warrior,..) has held on to rulership. Dignity Culture is at an all-time low and Honour Culture is on the cusp of taking over. To put it another way…

It’s Summer for Slave Culture
It’s Autumn for Victimhood Culture
It’s Winter for Dignity Culture
It’s Springtime for Honour Culture

Over the course of the early 2020s, as has become very clear since the C-19 Lock Down, the seasons soon change to..

It’s Summer for Honour Culture
It’s Autumn for Slave Culture
It’s Winter for Victimhood Culture
It’s Springtime for Dignity Culture

It’s useful to take society’s temperature right now and see how each of its component parts, cultures, are doing…

Cultural Barometer of News Headlines

  • Honour Culture

HC has indeed stepped into the mainstream during this ‘crisis’. The main player who created the Lock Down, Labour 6.0, has shown us a very stern and authoritarian Prime Minister; Evita of the Antipodes! Labour 6.0 have been bossing the whole country around like some Emperor of old. We have yet to experience what they plan to do with this power now they have it.

The New Zealand Police have been cracking down with control too, even competing with Labour 6.0 for who gets to tell Kiwis what they can and cannot do. They also seized the initiative by creating a narking website. Goodness knows what clandestine vendettas they may be exercising given the impunity of their new ‘Emergency’ powers?

Maoris powered by HC have been making their home territories stronger and seizing control. In the Far North and Bay of Plenty such vigilante checkpoints have made news headlines. Likewise, the Matakana Island community has once again taken “tribal control.”

New Zealand site to report Covid-19 rule-breakers crashes amid spike in lockdown anger; Guardian.uk

Covid 19 coronavirus: Matakana Island put on 24/7 lockdown patrols to protect community– NZ Herald

Covid-19 coronavirus: Hone Harawira to lockdown Far North with checkpoints; NZ Herald

Iwi enforce ‘level 5 lockdown’ to stop spread of coronavirus in community; Stuff

  • Dignity Culture

The DC is in hibernation for their winter, well and truly overthrown by the VC a long time ago now. Because there will be an uncivilised HC in our near future there will finally start to be a basis for DC to have influence and authority again. VC is antiseptic to DC and its being thrown down will allow DC to come out of its mouse hole. The main thing I hear DC people saying over and over again is that this COVID-19 thing should have been dealt with before it even happened!

They’re so underground right now that they don’t get headlines but there are comments..

“The issue here is #1 our borders were open for far too long with thousands let in with no quarantine or testing.”

“They have done a poor job! We could have had at tops 30 cases – if they had shut the borders end of January!”

“They’ve done everything wrong (including allowing the virus in via open borders)”

“If they acted in the people’s best interests, then they would have shut the borders to keep the virus out..”

Typical DC mindset. As an Abstract Culture with a strong ability for delayed gratification (high time preference) he thinks everything can and should be solved in advance. He is proactive, not reactive. The world will learn through pain to listen to these sorts of people again and they will rise in our culture to their former position.

Update (6/April): 

The other stuck-record response of the DC is to call for litigation of China!

China should be sued for $6.5 trillion for coronavirus damages says top UK think tank;  The Age

Only a DC would think up such an abstract and protracted remedy! Of course the above stems from a neo-conservative Think Tank; Did I even need to check?

  • Victim Culture

The VC is absolutely terrified now and has been for a long time anyway. They lost the initiative long ago to the SC, unable to stand up to them, and have been stretching out their time at the top to an unnatural duration. Ignorant of the TMC, they articulate the changing of the seasons that replaces them at the top as “Climate Change” but project that into a fictitious meteorological condition. That projection will, thank goodness, leave out headlines now as the VC embraces the reality of being dethroned. They fear being killed or driven off a cliff but it wont be that bad and they’ll Bug Out just as they always have had to before.

Politicians who have been imitating VC for power may be able to re-invent themselves depending on how much they have hitched their ride to this dying Moral Culture. It looks to me as if the Prime Minister may be able to make such a transition herself and not be replaced yet by Stuart Nash.

For now, the VC tries to handle their fear by being even more VC…

“Just as sickening as this post doing the rounds – I’m so over seeing this rubbish about StJacinda. Why are people so short sighted & plain ignorant?”

VCs get their security needs met by conforming. When they make it very clear to themselves and to others what side they’re on then they feel safe. They predict an Identitarian culling (aka ‘Climate Change’) because they themselves view the world that way. They’re trying to make sure they’re on the right side of it.

So, for their very survival, as they understand it, they canonise the Leader. The other thing they do is nark on their fellow man, be it about plastic bags or Lock Down non-conformity. Part of this is to call for harsh punishments for people who break the rules because that signals to themselves and others that they are to be considered so pure and clean themselves that they wish to be [insert ‘hope to die’ punishment here] do death. When you see comments like these you are seeing VCs trying to manage their trauma.

As VC is the mainstream and there are so many people right now having their world come crashing down we see this Witch Hunt behaviour occurring at off-the-chart levels.

  • Slave Culture

The poor SC has had such a short season in the sun, especially in New Zealand. The French have clearly been out and proud in their SC Yellow Jackets. The likes of the Ihumatao SC mob were doing wonderfully for months but that’s all over now. They could storm malls and get away with it, they could rip up trespass notices without the rulers being able to lift a finger. The moral climate was ruled by the SC (as represented by a VC such as Pania Newton) who would have easily spun restraint into martyrdom.

Only about a month ago, an SC could throw a hunger strike tantrum and the world would care. Sympathy for such hardship is over now, the coin has no currency in a hard-arse HC world. The representative for SC wives was right to fear the coming HC.

The more the SC tries to rail against the system and The State now the more they’re going to get bashed up. This sort of activity only brings resources in a time of VC power because there’s someone to be sympathetic who is also willing to fund the downtrodden. In these early HC days, these COVID-19 Lock Down days, we’re all doing it tough (tougher by the day) and don’t care for those who wont do for themselves. It’s checkmate for the SC.

The more the SC tries to riot or Rent Strike or occupy the more the unforgiving Authoritarian HC will make them howl. The SC will either need to change cultures, if possible, or Bug Out with the VC into their retreats.

It may be too late for the first batch of Generation Z to avoid being imprinted with Slave Culture. Clearly they have been as many young people disobey the Lock Down just as they do their SWJ parents and teachers! However, any Zoomer kid still plastic enough to be choosing the tracks they’ll run their life along will now be inspired by Honour Culture. So will the new, next generation, as yet unnamed. Now is the season for K-selected kids to make for a strong K-selected 2020s as an equal and opposite reaction to the over-powered Millennial Victimhood Culture we’ve just lived through.

So long as this messy interregnum of jockeying Honour Cultures doesn’t go too badly, like get us into war, the future looks very bright to me.



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