February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles


April 12, 2020


On the one hand, New Zealanders might be civilised enough to intellectually propose proper civil rights for themselves a priori. Figure it out. Listen to Anarchists. Tell the State to bite me….

“Ardern said the data would be stored on the phone and if the user tests positive they would then need to release the data to the Government for contact tracing, so close contacts could be automatically notified of their need to self-isolate and be tested.”

On the other hand, we might need to be put through the ringer and do things the hard way. Get stomped on by The State a time or two so that then, and only then, we start to value our rights again.

We could really set a world historic record for being outstanding in the field of excellence for taking Option 1. But that’s not the way these things tend to go is it?

Note. Don’t worry though, not really. My Anarchist scepticism tells me this is just another pathetic Labour 6.0 side hustle. The Prime Minister wants to develop and App which just means a bit of cheddar chee$e for some friend of the party who fancies them self an IT entrepreneur. Being a State program it wont work anyway. Relax, George Orwell.


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