February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

The Noble COVID-19 Lie

April 18, 2020


As history repeats, this year’s cold/flu season will appear to vindicate the harsh measures taken by The State to combat COVID-19. We are only in Week 16 now and look at where we are headed.
[Image ref. Showing major spike mid-year in illness; Weekly consultation rates for influenza-like illness by year; Stats.govt]
Government knows this is going to be a bad one (I figured it out with an idle thought back in January so it doesn’t take a genius.) The COVID-19 hysteria is one of Plato’s ‘Noble Lies’ to prepare NZ for what has yet to begin.
“What device could there be in the case of lies fabricated in a moment of need which would enable us, by telling one nobole like, to pursuade the rulers themselves in particular, but if not, then the rest of the state?”- Plato
Labour 6.0’s opposition (with the bravery of hindsight) have just started questioning and criticising the Government over-reaction to C-19. This will last a week or two but ultimately (and before election day) Labour 6.0 will appear vindicated by the influenza-like stats. They had already made preparation for in-house surveillance systems (to be rolled out in May 2020) and on-person phone APPs likewise. Care packages have already been distributed to the races who will indeed be most affected by disease.
Mike Hosking on coronavirus Covid 19: Have we overreacted to all of this?- NZ Herald


“…more than 30,000 health packs are being distributed to Maori…New Zealand Army made up the packages for each region, then the packages were given to the iwi..”- Manawatū iwi distributing health packs to people in need; Stuff

Remember that to the Government we are livestock to be farmed. Any farmer wants to maximise the productivity of his stock so he can tax it and will not risk losing the entire plantation to disease. That in no way implies that our people farmers will tell the truth to those they regard as cows and sheep. They are not, after all, Anarchists.

Ref. Cultural Hygiene; AHNZ
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