February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Money is a spook”

April 27, 2020


As we come out of Lockdown it has become clear that many of the protected class think it will all be business as usual.

They think we’re all going to go right back to work as if it’s all just been some Christmas holiday. In reality, New Zealand’s over-valued economy has been on thin ice and the COVID crisis will be the end to the political wizards who flapped their wings trying to keep us from going through to the cold water below.

Massive efforts have been put in to stave off going through the thin ice. Over-valued for years and not facing up to it. The effort required to do that comes at a cost to the future. It’s the ‘Tiger by the tail’ problem.

“Many believe that an economy that was closed can simply be opened and the massive bubble created by a decade of cheap credit will be re-inflated as easily as Adrian Orr prints electronic money.”

“We are in for a shock. Once we are released from home detention we shall find a desolate landscape of mass unemployment, closed shops and a collapsing housing market.”- Coronavirus: We may be entering a ‘decade long economic slump; Damien Grant; Stuff

Rather than face the tiger, Labour 6.0 will do their crazy best to escalate the situation and prolong it with State-led ‘recovery’ programs.  Like National 4.0’s Muldoon they’ll “Think Big” and will be quite content to make matters worse because more political power will go to Labour 6.0 even though it’s power over a shrinking economy.

Always remember, a politician will happily crash a milk truck into a bus full of children just so they can scoop a little whipped cream up from the wreckage for their coffee.

Good times to be Larry the Liquidator.

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