December 22, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Free Dignity


Here’s an interesting premise: The Welfare System “lacks dignity” according to Green MP Golriz Ghahraman. The hidden premise of that statement is that dignity itself is a welfare product and it ought to be distributed by The State.   They’re already handing out free food, free money, free houses etc. These are material things. The Green’s complaint […]

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June 29, 2020

“Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group”


In July 2018 Chester Borrows, former National MP, started opening up publicly, quite out of the blue, all about past Maori injustice. It was a confessional moment that made headlines. Something fishy was going on. When an old used-politics salesman or academic starts randomly sounding off like then it’s not actually news at all. It’s […]

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June 28, 2020

How Should We Kill the Maidens?


How Should We Kill the Maidens? A guest post by John Pugsley In my youth I was indoctrinated with all the common ideas that are infused into all of us by our culture, and had little comprehension that the causes of human conflict were not yet generally understood by the wisest and most educated in […]

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June 18, 2020

“It was a scramble to put my nomination in”


And the Conflict of Interest Top Prize goes to….Labour politician Ayesha Verrall. As Labour 6.0 have a newly created Outstanding Achievement prize just for public servants perhaps they can award one to this political doctor? Because this is amazing… Verrall was already a Labour politician (Capital & Coast District Health Board) when contracted by Labour […]

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June 16, 2020

Policemen are not Retailers


There is an understandable confusion, an amnesia really, that has persisted for well over a generation now. Western Culture has forgotten that our political system relies on control backed by the use of deadly force. If you don’t pay your taxes and resist to the end then, eventually, you’ll be shot. We are still a […]

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June 8, 2020

“Anarchism is a joke”


“Anarchism is a joke,” or Conversation with a New Conservative Voter… A guide to debate. Some empathy (has this happened to you?) And, a bit of insight into the sorts of friends you can make by voting for the New Conservative political party… NZB3: Oh, you thought Labour 6.0 were interested in the good of […]

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June 7, 2020

Protection for First Responders Bill


The ‘Protection for First Responders Bill’ is an abhorrent pulling apart by The State of some of the vestiges of Kiwi citizenship. Rather than being equal before the law, it elevates certain government workers above others so that it will be more of an offence to hurt them than a mere citizen. The premise is […]

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June 3, 2020