March 31, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Space Jobs


Southland to suffer a massive blow as its heavy industry, the electric smelter, threatens to close (Basically a well-paying State welfare program but a cheap one that props up an economy and many support industries.) National will promise to save the plant before this election is done and the people will rejoice. Judith Collins will […]

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July 17, 2020

Labour 6.0: The Politics of Fear


Wow, so this is how it’s going to be? What’s worse, the lack of imagination or the resort to force? Let’s back up and start this post again.. Yesterday, the Opposition party, National, enthroned a new leader. I wrote about that new leader’s potential first moves (ref. Judith’s Gambit.) As predicted, Judith Collins’ campaign has the […]

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July 16, 2020

Judith’s Gambit


Mum and Dad are home to relieve the babysitter! General Election 2020 just became contestable as the Opposition party, National, just got themselves a leader. I’m the only one thanking Muller the Plumber. I know what he did for his party. Officially though, and in the State Shared Fantasy, the role of leader was hurting Todd […]

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July 15, 2020

53 Days: Muller the Plumber


Don’t think I ever said this on record but I’ve always considered Todd Muller to be a Stalking Horse for the true next leader of the National Party. Just a Kiwifruit Crapitalist…not even sure what he’s doing being an MP in the first place. Seems more like a plumber who shows up in blue over-alls, […]

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July 14, 2020

Collectivist Appropriation


From a Collectivist point of view (which the mainstream currently holds) what happens to one happens to all. So ‘we’ all went through these things, as the Prime Minister has it.. “Over the last 15 months, we have been through a lot together – a terrorist attack, a volcanic eruption, a global pandemic and now […]

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July 13, 2020

Paper Kiwis


The Clutha-Southland electorate (previously Wallace electorate) in Southland used to be a National Party rock. From 1957 to 2014 it was in the hands to two men who were just about identical: Brian Talboys and Bill English. After 2014 things got weird as the sober straight men were traded in for wonky Millennial mavericks. The first […]

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July 10, 2020

NPC Listening


This is roughly true of what a Blue Pilled person means when they refer to listening: “Listening: Agreeing completely without argument.” They think everyone’s a Lefty but some of us wander off the reservation and need to be guided back. So they (benevolently) shine a beacon by reciting a few mantras in the prescribed tones. […]

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July 10, 2020