February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Cultural Appropriation

August 15, 2020


Cultural Appropriation is the concern of people who are of Western culture on behalf of others who are not.

This is inauthentic. They severed their roots and made a fake cult culture that itches them. Rather than come to terms with this they psychologically project onto others for being the appropriators and thieves.

What could be more of an appropriation than fighting someone else’s fight and protesting someone else’s injustice? The SJW has an uneasy conscience about infantalising alien races and cultures and taking over their values and practises and movements. They get triggered by being reminded of this even if it’s a simple confrontation as seeing someone wearing cross cultural ornamentation. Reminds them of the denial their Victim hood Culture identity relies upon.

Three Groups

The basic trinity of a Cultural Appropriation is the person accused of appropriating, the person doing the accusing, and the supposed victim.

The person in the role of supposed victim often doesn’t really care about what has apparently been done at their expense. Actually, they might not mind at all and if they did could perfectly well stick up for themselves.

The person being accused of appropriation, likewise, probably has no malicious goals at all. They would probably bend over backwards not to offend anybody and might even have already done so at great expense.

And, the person doing the accusing, the Social Justice Warrior, the Victimhood Culture exponent, the Outraged…their involvement in the lives of the other two is all about their own issues. As discussed above, they have their own hangups but are projecting them over someone else’s business. Especially at the late stages of a Victimhood Culture era (eg the year 2020) they are creating a victim out of someone who is nothing of the sort.

Case Study 1: Huruhuru

A bloke from Turkey, a recent immigrant, set up a clothing store in Wellington not long ago and called it ‘Huruhuru’. It’s the correct Maori terminology for feathers and leathers and finery but there is a colloquial and mainstream meaning for the same word- pubic hair!

The Victimhood Culture group attacked poor old Turk, mocking him and hanging his business out to dry for stealing Maori words and making a victim of the indigenous people of Aotearoa etc etc

“Some people call it appreciation, I call it appropriation,” Nikora said.”- Wellington leather shop Huruhuru mocked for using te reo word for pubic hair; NZ Herald

The supposed victims themselves don’t really care. They just find it funny and told Mr Turk as much. They’re not offended or injured that this retailer wants to make a spectacle of himself.

Mr Turk himself is taking a beating not from the real Maoris but form the Victimhood Culture group. Actually, he tried very hard to pick a business name that was Politically Correct. He paid the right money to the right Maori consultants and they said what the real Maoris said: Go for it, it’s fine, no offence.

What Mr Turk did not understand was that the people who need to be bribed and pacified are not real Maoris at all but the Victimhood Cultists. They’re the ones who cause trouble and it’s not because of any authentic concern but because of their mental illness.

Case Study 2: Ihumatao

The land at Ihumatao was not under dispute. The local Maoris had made a deal with Fletchers that both groups could live with and forward they went with development. At this point there was no victim and no appropriator. Then came Pania Newton and her Victimhood Culture gang.

This Victimhood Culture group informed the world that the Maoris who had been consulted and paid for their part in the development were really victims, that the developer was really a thief. As in the case above of Huruhuru, neither of these groups saw one another that way at all. Once again, the supposed victimiser, Fletchers, had paid the right money to the right people but did not account for a third party crashing in to demand compensation for their own mental illness.

Case Study 3: Christchurch Gondola

Finally, another textbook case of the trinity of Cultural Appropriation is the attack of Christchurch’s gondola at Mt Cavindish. Like Canterbury Museum, also under attack for being Politically Incorrect, the gondola’s Time Tunnel history feature was audited by real Maoris. The right money and the right people had looked over what it was that the business wanted to do and given it the green light.

Then, just like Huruhuru and just like Ihumatao, a third party entered the picture. A Black Lives Matter Victimhood Culture visitor informed the commercial party that they were appropriators and the Maori party (including the consultants) that they were victims.

“She wanted the company to close the ride until it could present a more accurate and balanced representation of Māori.”; Ref. Stuff; Ref. AHNZ

I hope you can see the same pattern repeating in all of these cases and in all cases of so-called Cultural Appropriation.


This same manifestation keeps playing out in our society because nobody has changed the script. The philosophy, the values, don’t change. We don’t learn anything. We’re bad at pattern recognition. Victimhood Culture keeps saying “this person is a victim” and “that’s offensive” and they get listened to and given power when really they ought to get therapy.

The supposed victim will be resented. The public will mistake real Maoris for Victimhood Culture Activists and hate on them, mistake them for the enemy they have misidentified. Now we really do have a recipe for racism.

As for the Victimhood Culture player, they get a dopamine hit. They have won another Social Justice Warrior bout and are applauded by their social group. Those involved will try to get another hit of this drug by sniffing out other supposed ‘injustice’ while also setting an example to their in-group of how to win friends and increase social standing.

Finally, the business people who make all this possible lose vast sums of money to finance this mad drama. Their customers lose value, be it clothing or shelter or access to national history. Economic interactions, trades, are forgone that New Zealander would otherwise have wished to complete. Marketing revenue for branding and consultations is down the drain. Delays to projects, loss of goodwill, loss of customers, are all the price our economy pays to support the lifestyle of the free-riding Victimhood Cultist. They get to smash bits of the world down for their own relief and pleasure and not have to pay for this past-time.

“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”- The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

Victimhood Culture and its tourists and adventurers ends when the money runs out. Rather than a moral awakening, the setting of boundaries, saying “NO” to victimising, we have yet to have a moral awakening. At some point, soon, our society and economy will not be able to afford the burden of Victimhood Culture and its hungry mouths. That will not end Victimhood Culture, only put it on hiatus for a decade or so before it comes back in a new form to feed again.


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