January 29, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

A Star Chamber Star Chart

August 20, 2020


Sorry Anarchists, the Judicial branch of Government is part of The State too. There be no shelter here.

Razzle dazzle ’em and they;ll never catch wise!

“The Government exceeded its powers telling us to stay at home and in our bubbles in the first nine days of the coronavirus lockdown, a court has found.”First nine days of lockdown justified but unlawful, court finds; Stuff

What a feeling
Bein’s believin’
I can have it all
Now I’m dancing for my life
Take your passion
And make it happen
Pictures come alive
You can dance right through your life
What a feeling- Flashdance, lyrics

Apparently the High Court took it upon itself to judge Labour 6.0’s illegal lockdown according to the law but also some other considerations as well. Bein’ is belivin’ for Labour, turns out, so they don’t need to obey laws to make it happen, just need to let their passion show and they can dance right through illegality!

For the Pretend Powers they were guilty of, Labour made it up in style points or justice points or moral points or some other contrived Star Chamber star chart reserved for The State but never ordinary citizens. Try getting off you next speeding ticket by using Attorney-General David Parket’s line. It worked for him…

“…saying that Attorney-General David Parker acknowledged the court found an “imperfection” in the initial lockdown orders but says it was “cured by the 3 April order”.- Early stages of Covid-19 Level 4 lockdown ruled unlawful by High Court; TVNZ

Yes, I know I was speeding, officer. That was an imperfection in the initial bit of driving I was doing when you first saw me going by you at 200kph. It’s OK though, I cured it right after I saw those red and blue lights coming up in my rear-view mirror. We cool like Parker?

“A law change on April 3 then made the lockdown legal. The High Court said its ruling today has no effect on restrictions after April 3, including the current restrictions in the Auckland region.”- ibid

Means justify the ends.

The Government rules by decree.

It’s a nation of men, not of laws.

Anarchy or bust.



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