December 22, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Cross-Dressing Robot Man


Mark Bryan is an American Boomer, a robotics engineer living in Stuttgart, Germany. He’s just made international headlines on the basis of being a serial cross-dresser these past 3 years despite being a married father of three. What’s up with that? Bryan is Acting Out a Psychodrama, turning the world upside down in order for […]

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October 22, 2020

“Change That Sticks”


Labour 6.5 are upon us now, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won a second term in a landslide. Ardern’s plan now, of course, is identical with that other famous Millennial political leader, President Business, from the Lego Movie (2014.) He commanded his Micromanagers to assemble the entire economy into his own vision, then glued all the building […]

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October 21, 2020

Entrenched Power


“The NZ right has never entrenched power or changed anything in its favour once elected. The next time we win, we must do so.” That’s all either side ever does. Destroy whatever the other built as much as possible, re-build it all to bias themselves. Politics is the art of getting away with it, of […]

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October 20, 2020

The Voter’s Illusion


Boy, if They could get you to think this worked just imagine the state the world would be in today! “Voting is the illusion that we can repair a car by changing the driver” Scratch that. Just look out the window.  

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October 17, 2020

The Vote Shredder


Don’t forget to put your vote in the shredder this Saturday, October 17th. It encourages the politicians to keep up their good work! Perhaps most importantly, every time you think of doing something for your community you’ll stop and remember you already think you have! Relax, leave it to the professionals to run New Zealand, […]

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October 16, 2020

Advance Voting


When businesses approach you, or give you products and services you didn’t ask for, it’s an uninvited direct sale. You can change your mind and cancel any purchase agreement for any reason within five working days.   This is the law, under the Fair Trading Act (1986.) The principle is that, sometimes, people get caught […]

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October 16, 2020

Lower the Voting Species


May as well lower the voting age or even lower the voting species! Once was a time the Consent of the Governed was sought from mature minds, from our Intellectual Self. Our sober, thinking parts were consulted when it came to decisions about the use of force or the direction our society ought to go. […]

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October 15, 2020

“Explaining is Losing”


The phrase ‘If you’re explaining, you’re losing’ or ‘Explaining is Losing’ has become the conventional wisdom in the last few years. Especially, in politics. It’s true in a certain context and in our times but why is that? We’ve been in a Concrete Culture (Slave Culture era followed by a Honour Culture) time period for […]

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October 15, 2020

Don’t Think- Vote!


By not voting you liberate your own civic energy to do good in your world. A major purpose of elections and political noise is to act as a sink for your vitality. “When a man takes the positive step of refusing to vote, though he has done nothing to prevent the politicians from continuing their […]

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October 15, 2020