Don’t Think- Vote!
October 15, 2020
By not voting you liberate your own civic energy to do good in your world. A major purpose of elections and political noise is to act as a sink for your vitality.
“When a man takes the positive step of refusing to vote, though he has done nothing to prevent the politicians from continuing their game he has nethertheless posed for himself a vital question which requires answering: “By not voting I have expressed my lack of faith in the present form of social organisation. But there must be some kind of organisation in society. What then do we put in the place of government?” And only when workers start thinking along these lines will there be hope of a more sensible, human and rational world.”- Editorial, ‘Freedom’ 19 Sep, 1959
Politicians want to trap you and baffle you into outsourcing your own power to themselves.
Ref. Also: The ‘Catch 22’ of Voting; Anarkiwi
Image ref. cartoon with the voter floating down the river and all the ghouls of Statism trying to fish him out for their catch!; “Ar! it be foine sport but there baint much taste in ’em”; Skitz, ibid